Run Android APKs on Chrome OS, OS X, Linux and Windows. Now supports OS X, Linux and Windows Video Demo Quick Demo for Chrome OS Download an official app,such as Evernote, from the Chrome Web Store Then download this open source game:2048.APK GamebyUberspotand load it as an unpacked...
Then download this open source game:2048.APK GamebyUberspotand load it as an unpacked extension. Press "Launch", ignore warnings. Setup for Chrome OS / App Conversion Conversion Tool Tested on OS X, Windows and Ubuntu. You can alsoconvert APKs manually. ...
ChromeOS 内置了Play商店,可以在其中下载Android应用,如果想要自由安装apk可以通过开启ChromeOS的开发者模式(开启退出开发者模式均会清除所有数据),或者adb安装,或者设备管理员权限。 我的方法是Dhizuku+InstallerX,通过设备管理员权限安装应用,好处是一次授权永久使用,Shizuku+InstallerX 也是可行的,但是经常需要重新激活。
sudo apt install adb adb安装apk文件,一般是下载到了"下载内容"文件夹,右键文件夹与linux共享,然后打开终端输入 cd /mnt/chromeos/MyFiles/Downloads ls 然后运行adb install文件名安装就可以了,第一次不会成功,需要选以后全部允许然后点允许后再次运行adb install 文件名命令。 安卓环境和chrome环境可以用下载内容...
到今天为止,ChromeOS我也用了四五天了,头两天一度想要换掉这个系统,因为发现Play商店里的适配应用少的可怜,但后面发现 ChromeOS 早就可以直接安装第三方apk了!(有几率安装不成功那就是真的不适配),像QQ和微信在Play商店里是没有的,但经我测试全系列版本的移动端QQ均可以正常在ChromeOS上使用!
Download the Threads APK from APK Mirror. As mentioned earlier, choose the x86_64 APK for regular Intel/AMD-powered PCs, or the armv8a version for Arm-based PCs. Open a Terminal window and run the following command to install the Threads app: waydroid app install
Then download this open source game:2048.APK GamebyUberspotand load it as an unpacked extension. Press "Launch", ignore warnings. Setup for Chrome OS / App Conversion Conversion Tool Tested on OS X, Windows and Ubuntu. You can alsoconvert APKs manually. ...
- (Try out this pre-packaged open source game: [2048-ARChon.APK]( by [Uberspot]( and load it as an unpacked extension. Press "Launc...
Download an official app,such as Evernote, from the Chrome Web Store. Then download this open source game:2048.APK GamebyUberspotand load it as an unpacked extension. Press "Launch", ignore warnings. Setup for Chrome OS / App Conversion ...
apk --no-cache add docker Docker is now installed! You can now use docker as you would in a traditional environment. Thestart_persist.shscript maps ports 22 and 80 from the virtual environment to 10020 and 10080 respectively on the Termux environment. You can utilize these ports from your ...