A terminal window opens. You have a Debian 10 (Buster) environment. You can run Linux commands, install more tools using the APT package manager, and customize your shell. Turn off Linux Click[Status Bar]①at the bottom-right of the screen, and then click[Settings] ②. After opening Sett...
When complete, you’ll get a Linux (Beta) Terminal window. You can type Linux commands, install tools using a package manager, and more. The latest versions of Linux (Beta) even allow you to install the KDE desktop for a more traditional user experience. However, that’s beyond the scope...
Again, open a Chrome terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T or the Crosh Window extension. Type “shell” at the command. 再次,使用Ctrl + Alt + T或Crosh Window扩展名打开Chrome终端。 在命令中键入“ shell”。 Now, instead of launching the full Linux experience with the normal “startxfce4” command, yo...
After this, close terminal (doNOTshut it down). Step 2: Now we need to open a little something calledCROSH. Whilst that sounds kinda scary, it's just the linux terminal of chromeOS, albeit a little bare-bones. To open crosh, pressCTRL + ALT + T Copy and paste these commands one by...
In this collection we round up the best video editors available on a Chromebook. From Android apps to Linux apps, you have plenty of choices.
Selecting it will trigger installation of the Linux Apps support package: Once installed, you get presented with a terminal emulator on a system calledpenguin: From there, you can install regular Debian packages: When installing something that comes with a GUI, the appropriate launcher will be add...
Linux is a feature that lets you develop software using your Chromebook. You can install Linux command line tools, code editors, and IDEs (integrated development environments) on your Chromebook. Thes
The details of this installation process are technical and require a few terminal commands. However, it turns out that installing the Windows version of iTunes on a Chromebook isn't worth the effort. In the end, their reward was a very laggy and unusable version of iTunes. The slowness is...
A terminal window opens. You have a Debian 10 (Buster) environment. You can run Linux commands, install more tools using the APT package manager, and customize your shell. Turn off Linux Click [Status Bar]① at the bottom-right of the screen, and then click [Settings]②. After opening ...
In Ubuntu, open a terminal and run the following commands, one by one: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository https://download.01.org/gfx/ubuntu/14.04/main wget --no-check-certificate https://download.01.org/gfx/RPM-GPG-KEY-ilg ...