HP x360 14c: Users report keys like Backspace, Enter, and Esc not working or requiring several presses to register. HP Chromebook 14 G5: There have been issues with the keyboard backlight flickering or staying on even when turned off. Older HP Chromebooks: Some older models have been repor...
does ot have a backspace to delete Asked by: gwolf Hello. Thanks for your question. The backspace key is below the power button. The power button is on the top row of the keyboard between the volume and page up buttons. Answered by: HP Live Expert Cheri ...
Just as we remapped theSearchkey to Caps Lock, we can remap other keys likeCtrl,Alt,Escape, andBackspaceto perform other functionalities, such as opening Google Assistant, switchingCtrltoAlt, and so on. You can also disable a key altogether. Go to “Settings → Device → Keyboard.” Click...
Backspace Assistant (on devices where Google Assistant is available) You can remap each key by using a drop-down menu. To remap any key, just click the box alongside it and select whatever function you’d like it to have. You might want to change the Launcher (or Search) key back to...
Samsung’s Chromebook has a keyboard with 74 keys. Most of them are the same keys you’d find on any laptop, including number and character keys, backspace, shift, enter, and arrow keys. Above the number row there’s also a row of shortcut keys that let you do things like refresh ...
The Refresh key is on the top row above the3and4keys. The location of your Power button will vary. Some power buttons are at the top right corner above the Backspace key. Others are a physical power button located on the Chromebook’s side. ...
This resulted in the main portion of the keyboard being shifted to the left, making some keys feel squished or out of place. For instance, I kept accidentally hitting the delete key instead of backspace because the latter was unusually stubby. ...
my cb5-132t series N15Q8 Chromebook is completely black and won’t turn on even after charging and manually resetting. The power light is also unresponsive and not working. Is there anything I can do to fix? Thanks [Editedthethreadtoadd modelname] ...
Personally, I like the search key as-is, but if you’d rather have Caps Lock functionality or set the key to serve as a backspace, here’s how to do it. Open settings again, chooseDevicein the left-hand rail, and then selectKeyboard. On the next screen, ...
However, the keyboard layout feels cramped, and will feel doubly so to people making the move from larger Windows and Mac laptops. Important keys like backspace and tab are too narrow, which is not an uncommon issue on smaller Chromebooks. There’s also no backlighting, which seems like a...