7 --/prefetch:6 没有描述 8 --/prefetch:8 Windows预取程序使用预取参数来消除相同可执行映像的不同执行模式(即进程类型)的歧义,以便不同类型的进程不会践踏彼此的预取行为。合法值是[1,8]范围内的整数。我们保留8表示“无论什么”,这将最终导致具有/prefetch的进程:8具有不一致的行为,因此在实践中禁用预取。
804 --nacl-broker --type的值,使进程作为NativeClient代理运行(用于在64位Windows上启动NaCl加载程序进程)。 805 --nacl-dangerous-no-sandbox-nonsfi 即使对于非SFI模式,也禁用沙箱。这特别不安全,因为非SFINaCl严重依赖于seccomp沙箱。 806 --nacl-debug-mask 使用NaCl清单URL选择是否通过调试存根调试NaCl程序。切...
4 --disable-desktop-notifications 禁用桌面通知,在 Windows 中桌面通知默认是启用的。 5 --disable-file-system 停用 FileSystem API。 6 --disable-preconnect 停用 TCP/IP 预连接。 7 --disable-remote-fonts 关闭远程字体支持。SVG 中字体不受此参数影响。 8 --disable-web-security 不遵守同源策略。 9 -...
to find the link to Chrome 43 have a look to the bottom of this page Google Chrome 64-bit Offline Installer| 45.7 MB or go to enter link description
7 --/prefetch:6 没有描述 8 --/prefetch:8 Windows预取程序使用预取参数来消除相同可执行映像的不同执行模式(即进程类型)的歧义,以便不同类型的进程不会践踏彼此的预取行为。合法值是[1,8]范围内的整数。我们保留8表示“无论什么”,这将最终导致具有/prefetch的进程:8具有不一致的行为,因此在实践中禁用预取。
Chrome helps you to download your favorite video audio or other such data and save it in the right inside of the downloads home. You can also watch it offline. Voice Searching You can use your voice too for searching instead of typing in the search bar. This way gives you a very fast...
Windows Windows PowerShell Index -contains operator vs .contains() method -ea operator -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue parameter is not being respected & $error variable not updated -ExpandProperty & Export CSV !!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!!
Step 2: Select Update and Security option and go to Windows Defender section. Step 3: At the bottom of the defender settings there is the checkbox " Windows Defender Offline scan". To start it, click "Scan Now". Note that you have to save all unsaved data before rebooting your PC. Aft...
Connect Windows 10 to Windows 7 on network Connected Device Platform Service Connected Device Platform service and new user profile folder "defaultuser100000" Connection onecs-live.azureedge.net when opening Windows 10 System settings Constant Event 1001 BEX64 ContentDeliveryManager Error Control Panel ...
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\srvany.exeemptytemp:end If I am helping you and haven't replied to your topic in 48 hours, send me a PM.Please do not PM me asking for support - start a new topic in the forums instead. Back to top#7 Dazzer Topic Starter Members 10 posts OFFLINE Gender:Male...