413 --enable-app-window-cycling 为平台应用和托管应用启用自定义Cmd+`窗口循环。 414 --enable-arc 已过时。请使用--arc-availability=官方支持。允许在会话开始时启动ARC实例。 415 --enable-arc-oobe-optin 在OOBE中启用ARCOptIn流程。 416 --enable-async-event-targeting WindowServer使用异步事件定向逻辑。
$browser->setPagePreScript('// Simulate navigator permissions; const originalQuery = window.navigator.permissions.query; window.navigator.permissions.query = (parameters) => ( === 'notifications' ? Promise.resolve({ state: Notification.permission }) : originalQuery(parameters) );')...
Unlike opening a window by calling (), windows created through the updated API are always displayed on top of other windows, do not remain after closing the original window, do not support navigation and cannot explicitly determine the position of the output. You can increase or ...
132 --content-shell-host-window-size content_shell主机窗口的大小(即“800x600”)。 133 --crash-dumps-dir 目录破解板应该存储小型转储器. 134 --crash-on-failure 当指定为“enable-leak-detection”命令行选项时,如果发现泄漏,则会导致检漏仪立即崩溃。 135 --crash-on-hang-threads 以逗号分隔的BrowserTh...
window.addEventListener("load",function(){ console.log('contents Loaded'); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request,sender,response) { console.log(request.someParam); }); }); The problem is, once the new tab is created(first newScreen.html ) I could see Contents Loaded message...
Open your browser window and from the Options icon on the top-right, click on Settings. You can directly open the sub-section that deals withclearing cache and cookiesby pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Delete buttons. Select the time horizon for which you want to clear your cached files and ...
In the main window, the “Reset and clean up” section is visible, as shown in the screenshot below. Click on “Reset settings to their original defaults“. Click “Reset settings”. A confirmation dialog will now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their defaul...
20 --no-startup-window 启动时不建立窗口。 21 --proxy-server 使用给定的代理服务器,这个参数只对 http 和 https 有效。 22 --start-maximized 启动时最大化。 23 --single-process 以单进程模式运行 Chromium。(启动时浏览器会给出不安全警告)。
Note: This tool works best on text-heavy pages and won't necessarily work on web apps. After testing this tool with several different web apps, it seems to depend on the app. For example, in Google Docs, the tool will capture only the visible window, while onZapier, it captures the ...