Ctrl+U View a web page's source code. Ctrl+W Closes the current tab. Ctrl+Shift+W Closes the currently selected window. Ctrl+Shift+T This combination reopens the last tab you've closed. If you've closed multiple tabs, you can press this shortcut key multiple times to restore each of...
Shift+Esc – 打开Chrome的任务管理器,可以让你监控Chrome中每个标签的资源占用,结束不需要的标签。 输入一个URL,然后按下Alt+Enter – 在新标签页打开该URL。 按下Alt后点击链接 – 下载链接目标内容。 Ctrl+Shift+D – 将所有打开的页面保存在书签中的新建文件夹内。你手中的鼠标无所不能 ctrl+shift+j con...
chrome shortcutkey 按下Shift并点击链接 – 在新窗口打开链接。 Ctrl+9– 切换到最后一个标签。 Ctrl+Shift+V – 将剪切板中的内容无格式粘贴(举个例子,将你从网页中复制的HTML格式内容粘贴为纯文本内容)。 Ctrl+Shift+B – 控制书签栏的显示与否。 Ctrl+Shift+T – 重新打开最新关闭的标签,Chrome会保留最...
Below is a listing of all the majorshortcut keysused with theGoogle ChromeInternet browser. See thecomputer shortcutspage if you are looking for shortcut keys used in other programs. Note If you are using Chrome on a Mac computer, use theCommand keyinstead of theCtrl keywhere applicable. T...
The offline & original crx file ofShortcutKey2URL v1.7.1was fully archived from the web store server and is for home or personal use only. You could learn more about theShortcutKey2URLor proceed to install it to your web browser. ...
可以通过快捷键 (ALT+R) 或通过上下文菜单访问快速编辑。 快捷键也可以通过 Chrome 扩展快捷菜单进行配置。 查看更多 收起 商务合作 本站承接各种商务合作🥰🥰 扩展插件程序相关:快速收录、优先推广、提高曝光量等定制化服务。 其他类型的定制化服务:如提供广告位,推广您的产品等。
Step 4:Alternatively, you can use the Chrome inspect element shortcut Key. MacOS –Command + Option + C Windows –Control + Shift + C. The Developer tools will open along with the Console and a few other tools. You can resize the editor box by dragging the corners for convenient viewing...
ZoomResetControlKeyAdd a new character to support the zoom-reset control when using Chrome Process.NumPad4 Important Before providing a value for the new character: Ensure that the character you choose for the UII option doesn't conflict with your existing keyboard shortcuts. ...
NOTE: You can also use the keyboard shortcutCommand + Shift + Return (on Mac)orControl + Shift + Delete (on Windows)to quickly open theClear browsing data window. If you are browsing the web with a smartphone, check out our guides on how to clear the Google Chrome cache on other devi...
Once you install the extension, you can open the Merlin AI Chatbot on any website using the shortcut CTRL/CMD + M. Merlin buttons are also available on sites like LinkedIn and Gmail. Pros: Integrates with web apps like Gmail, Google Docs, and social media platforms ...