Google Translateis a freeonline serviceby Google that instantly translates words, phrases, and webpages between English and over 100 other languages. Starting from a dedicated website, it quickly became an integrated service found on Google Search and went on to become amobile app, as well. Whi...
web speech api已经被chrome v25支持,它可以识别语音进行dictation听写,safari和firefoz未来都会支持,它可以在识别出语音后控制你的电脑 #html5_aes135#
Google给出了一个Demo,可以通过语音来发邮件(Demo地址见此,需先下载安装Chrome 25才行)。 Google今天正式发布了Beta版Chrome 25,此次更新包括PC版和Android版。 此次更新最大的亮点是支持Web Speech API,可以让开发者将语音识别整合到Web应用里,这样你就可以直接通过语音控制Web应用。Google给出了一个Demo,可以通过...
Web Assist for Chrome and Edge is an excellent tool for increasing productivity and saving time. It allows you to navigate the web using your voice, eliminating the need to touch the keyboard. Moreover, the extension also helps people with physical challenges by providing a speech recognition so...
Google 刚刚 发布 最新的 Chrome 25 beta 版本 ,包括桌面和 Android 版。该版本最值得关注的新特性就是支持 Web Speech API 。也就是说开发者可以在 Web 应用中集成语音识别技术,可能在不久的未来,你就可以跟网页聊天。Google 同时发布了一个 demo
► Download Crx File fromCrx4Chrome ► Available in theChrome Web Store Speechy Version 0.1.2 Installation Notes After you download the crx file for Speechy 0.1.2, open Chrome's extensions page (or find by Chrome menu icon > More tools > Extensions), and then drag-and-drop the *.crx...
最新的 Chrome 25,包括桌面和 Android 版。该版本最值得关注的新特性就是支持Web Speech API。也就是说开发者可以在 Web 应用中集成语音识别技术,可能在不久的未来,你就可以跟网页聊天。 Google 同时发布了一个demo来演示这项技术。 当然该版本还有其他方面的改进,详情请看TC。
window.speechSynthesis.speak( msg ); 系统扬声器没有输出. 关于API的问题已经注意到The HTML5 SpeechSynthesis API is rubbish; var voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); 记录语音标识符的空数组;并且只有chrome不铬据称支持Web Speech API Specification,Web Speech API Demonstration设置了html元素的值,在...
chrome-extensionautocompletechrometext-to-speechextensionaccessibilitydictionaryttsspeech-to-textchrome-web-storemobilityassistivedyslexiaepilepsydisabilities UpdatedAug 30, 2024 JavaScript 🧩 Downloads crx files of Chrome extensions pythonchromedownloaderchrome-web-storechrome-extensions ...
This extension adds a download button next to the official 'play' button. Microsoft™ Text-to-Speech website: ⇩Download Microsoft Text-to-Speech Downloader