Outdated extensions can lead to security vulnerabilities of all kinds. Make sure to keep your extensions updated. I do my best to keep this list updated, but I don’t monitor the extensions constantly. Always do your own research before installing an extension that could possibly compromise your...
可以看到“content_scripts_list.js”已经注入这个页面了 二、美化页面 可以向这个页面注入js,当然也可以向这个页面注入css {"name": "WebFileFilter","version": "1.0.6","description": "fast sort your webpage files","icons": {"16": "images/icon_16px.png","48": "images/icon_48px.png","128...
Speed Tracer (by Google) Speed Tracer 是一个来帮助你识别和修复您的Web应用程序性能问题的工具,使用可视化的度量方式分析应用程序运行。 BuiltWith Technology Profiler BuiltWith 扩展让你轻松点击一下按钮就能知道当前网站是使用什么技术构建的。
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-%E2%80%94-best-ad-blocker/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom Focus To-Do: Pomodoro Timer & To Do List 这个扩展程序不仅有番茄钟督促你保持专注,而且还结合了待办事项清单的功能,可以管理任务和提醒。 日历清晰展示todo,帮助你更好的跟踪学习及计划。 同...
To access it, you can click the puzzle icon to expand a list of all your installed extensions. If you want to make it easier to access the extension, you can click the pin icon to make it always visible on your browser bar:How To Remove a Chrome ExtensionYou have two options to ...
无限书签扩展 (Infinite bookmark extensions):全能扩展,可以更科学地访问和管理书签、自定义实用小工具...
Link:href=”https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/the-great-suspender/jaekigmcljkkalnicnjoafgfjoefkpeg Number of users: 1,000,000+ Rating: 4.4/5 The Great Suspender Conclusion: I hope these Chrome extensions will help you boost your everyday productivity. This list is based on my own...
首先,要进入插件管理界面,你可以通过点击浏览器右上角的三个点,选择【设置】,然后进入【工具】,再找到【扩展程序】,或者直接输入chrome://extensions地址。这种方法简单易行。在扩展程序界面,你将看到插件的启用和删除选项,以及每个插件的详细设置。只需点击相应的插件,进入【选项】或右键选择【设置 ...
Developer Tools > Network > [XHR item in list] Preview。 mime type The correct content-type for JSON data is "application/json". encoding You MUST encode your json like this: {"c":21001,"m":"p"}, but not {c:21001,m:"p"}, or {'c':21001,'m':'p'} ...
Go tohttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensionsin your Chrome browser. After you access the Chrome Web Store extensions page, you can see various extension categories in the left panel. You can click one category to view all available extensions of this category. You can find the...