如果用户不小心点击“YES”查看其功能,会跳转到微软网页尝试安装“Bing Search for Chrome”扩展程序,声称会减少 Bing Chat 的限制。当 Microsoft 试图潜入推送更多 Bing 内容的扩展程序时,Google 会显示一条警告,指出 Bing 扩展程序已更改默认设置,这会导致 Microsoft 再次弹出窗口,敦促您不要删除 Bing。第二个...
这一切似乎都与 Edge 中鲜为人知的一个导入功能有关。隐私和数据供应链研究人员 Zach Edwards 在全新安装 Windows 后称,他注意到设置过程中出现了一个新的提示:“经您确认,Microsoft Edge 将定期从 Windows 设备上其他可用浏览器中导入数据。这些数据包括您的收藏夹、浏览历史、Cookie、自动填充数据、扩展程序、设置...
Last week we enabled the Microsoft Search in Bing extension for Google Chrome. Today a user reported that, when it was installed, it changed his default search engine to Bing and it is greyed out so he can't change it back. This documentMicrosoft Search in Bing...
据了解,微软近期确认计划发布适用于Windows 10和Windows 11服务器的版本更新,同时在Chrome浏览器上为用户显示“一次性”提醒,以推广Bing成为Chrome浏览器的默认搜索引擎。 微软通过提示窗口表示,只要将Bing设为Chrome浏览器的默认搜索引擎,即可免费享用ChatGPT-4,且每天可与Bing人工智能进行数百次的对话交流。 根据微软发...
All of a sudden if a search on Google Chrome from my Galaxy S24 Ultra, it's using Microsoft Bing. This has never happened before. Have - 2869901
在对话重置前用户只能交互 5 条信息,低于 Edge 的 30 条。 与此同时,微软还悄悄地为 Bing AI 添加了深色模式支持。默认情况下,主题匹配系统首选项,但也可以通过手动开启。需要注意的是,Bing AI 采用的深色模式是纯黑色,而不是 Google 产品中常见的深灰色。
Restart Microsoft Edge. TIP: The best part of using Microsoft Edge is that you can search multiple Search Engines at the same time. How to switch to Bing from Google Search on Chrome To switch to Bing from Google Search on Chrome browser in Windows 11/10, take these steps: Launch Google...
I just searched for top 10 browsers in Bing because I really started to love Bing.i'm surprised (in a bad way) about the results I got, in Bing! I...
IT之家 7 月 20 日消息,网友 Kevin Okemwa 近日打开谷歌 Chrome 浏览器之后,收到了“在 Chrome 中体验全新 AI 驱动的必应”通知,点击之后会打开新版必应页面,并推荐用户安装和使用必应的扩展程序。 IT之家注:微软高管曾于今年 6 月宣布,将会向 Chrome 等非 Edge 浏览器开放必应聊天(Bing Chat)访问,但之后...
As reported by Windows Latest, some Google Chrome users are being served Windows pop-up notifications, urging them to set Bing as their default search provider. This time around, Microsoft is attempting to entice potential customers with GPT-4 capabilities, such as "hundreds of daily chat turns...