如果是重新导航到不同站点(different site)的话,会有另外一个渲染进程被启动来完成这次重导航,而当前的渲染进程会继续处理现在页面的一些收尾工作,例如unload事件的监听函数执行。Overview of page lifecycle states这篇文章会介绍页面所有的生命周期状态,the Page LifecycleAPI会教你如何在页面中监听页面状态的变化。 浏...
在Chrome中,您可能会找到--trace-startup-file和--trace-startup-duration来控制跟踪的自动保存(仅基于Base的TraceLog组件不支持)。 --trace-startup-duration 设置启动跟踪结束之前的时间(以秒为单位)。如果省略,则使用默认值5秒。没有--trace-startup或没有提供--startup-trace-file = none时无效。 --trace...
How to Have the New Tab Page Open to a Blank Page in Chrome You can display a blank page on the New Tab page for a more minimalist approach. You need to install an extension to display a blank New Tab page. We’re going to install the Blank New Tab Page extension. To do this, ...
If you want to change to a fresh New Tab page in Chrome, you need to addChrome extensions. In case you want to make changes to your existing default New Tab page, know that you can only change its background and reposition, remove, and edit the thumbnail tiles. Customize Your Chrome T...
摘要:Infinity 新标签页(Pro)是一款可以把chrome默认新标签页换成一个美观实用、功能强大的infinity新标签页,具有浏览器主页、新标签页美化,支持添加网站图标、自定义搜索引擎、壁纸切换、云端备份、书签管理、历史记录管理等多种实用功能功能。 infinity Pro新标签页插件V9.4.66版本下载 ...
If you’re following MKBHD (a famous Tech YouTuber), then you may know that he loves the materialistic themes and wallpapers. This is one of the best google chrome themes, and the background has materialized tiles with a color combination of dark grey, grey, and red. The bookmarks bar ...
Like Mah-Jongg? Then you'll love Shisen. Remove all tiles from the playfield. Tiles can be removed in matching pairs. You can only remove pairs when they can be connected in a line that has maximum 2 turns - and no other tile being on that line. ...
Like Mah-Jongg? Then you'll love Shisen. Remove all tiles from the playfield. Tiles can be removed in matching pairs. You can only remove pairs when they can be connected in a line that has maximum 2 turns - and no other tile being on that line. ...
然后合成线程就会光栅化页面的每一层。因为页面的一层可能有整个网页那么大,所以合成线程需要将它们切分为一块又一块的小图块(tiles)然后将图块发送给一系列光栅线程(raster threads)。光栅线程会栅格化每个图块并且把它们存储在GPU的内存中。 光栅线程创建图块的位图并发送给GPU...
Tiles自定义书签 火影忍者主题的新标签页 千山:简洁优雅的新标签页扩展 New Tab Clock FlashTabs Start:一个更好的Chrome新标签页 Tupiq:新标签页 iChrome:快速,高效的新标签页插件 Momentum:让chrome新标签页拥有美图、时间... Tab Modifier:修改你的标签页 MapTab Modern New Tab Page Notes Tab Snooze Tabby...