ChooseOn startupfrom the side panel. ClickOpen the New Tab pageto display the default Chrome start page when you open a new tab. ChooseContinue where you left offto make Chrome open the last site you visited. SelectOpen a specific page or set of pagesto remove all instances of Bing. Re...
Photos Extension / Updated: January 21, 2025 Pixiv Fanbox 批量下载器。Pixiv Fanbox batch downloader... Read MoreDownload CrxVersion HistoryPhotos UseDelight 1.7.1 for Chrome Photos Extension / Updated: December 30, 2024 Live start page with ocean, mountain, Earth, weather, search engine, news...
you also can consider usingLive Start Page – Living Wallpapers. This is an excellent extension that helps to build an elegant home or start page on Chromium-based browsers.
“点击‘添加到 Chrome’,即表示我接受并同意安装‘Nature Start Page’扩展程序,并将 Chrome 新标签页搜索提供程序设置为 Microsoft Bing,如服务使用条款中所述”特征:★ 动态自然壁纸:每次打开新标签时体验大自然的宁静。我们的扩展程序将户外的美景带入您的屏幕,并提供动态变化的令人惊叹的、生动的自然场景,为您...
user_pref("",1); 浏览器主页修改:Arkenfox 修改为了 about:blank 空白页,我个人修改为了 about:home。 user_pref("browser.startup.homepage","about:home"); 新标签页修改:Arkenfox 修改为了空白页,我个人修改回了默认主页。
🎥 Enhance your Chrome start page and new tab view with breathtaking 4K videos, taken directly from macOS' native aerial screen savers. 🌦️ Receive up-to-the-minute weather updates accompanied by a 3-day forecast. 💬 Search everything with Google/ChatGPT/Bing/Duckduckgo. 🌟 Discover ...
Du musst dir keine Sorgen machen, dass ein Bot dein Meeting stört. Mit Sprecherkennzeichnungen und zeitstempelnden Untertiteln kannst du schnell herausfinden, wer wann spricht. Mit nur einem Klick kannst du die Aufnahme starten und erhältst deine Notizen innerhalb weniger Minuten nach dem ...
option.add_argument("start-maximized") driver=webdriver.Chrome(service=Service(ChromeDriverManager().install()),options=option) driver.get("") time.sleep(3) 1.2手动安装(适用于 无法连接公网时) import timefromselenium import webdriver ...
20- -no-startup-window 启动时不建立窗口。21- -proxy-server 使用给定的代理服务器,这个参数只对 http 和 https 有效。22- -start-maximized 启动时最大化。23- -single-process 以单进程模式运行 Chromium。(启动时浏览器会给出不安全警告)。24- -user-agent 使用给定的 User-Agent 字符串。25- -...
Custom New Tab is probably the most simplistic of all the extensions we have explored. After installation, you can decide what URL your Chrome Start page defaults to. You may choose Google, Voice In Notepad, Bing, ChatGPT, and more. You may even default to a local file on your computer...