配置中心,轮询版本信息通过版本算法进行对比; setInterval(()=>{try{constmanifest = chrome.extension.getURL('manifest.json');Promise.all([fetch(manifest),fetch('https://xx.com/pts-record-chrome-plugin/package.json'),]).then(res=>{return[ res[0].json(), res[1].json() ];}).then(result...
Select “New tab page” or select the other option to set your own homepage. Chrome For Android & iOS Setting Default Homepage for New Tabs Open the Chrome app. Select the “Menu”⁝icon located at the upper-right corner. Choose “Settings“. Select “Homepage“. Ensure that Home page ...
Home New Tab Page is a New Tab page replacement extension for Google Chrome. It gives you a productive dashboard that you can use to organize your browsing. Add your favorite websites (called apps) to the new tab grid of icons. You can choose from a built in gallery of apps by search...
This will set your Homepage as a New Tab page in Chrome. How to Change the New Tab Back to Default in Chrome? Maybe you added a new extension you don’t like or simply want to go back to your default New Tab Page design. Fortunately, this is an easy and quick change: Open a New...
//background.jschrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function(){// storage中设置值chrome.storage.sync.set({color:"#3aa757"},function(){console.log("storage init color value");});// 为特定的网址显示图标chrome.declarativeContent.onPageChanged.removeRules(undefined,function(){chrome.declarativeConten...
The default New Tab page displays suggestion cards for recipes and a set for shopping carts on websites where you’ve added items to a cart. If you don’t want these suggestion cards, you can remove them. To remove a suggestion card from the New Tab page: ...
QQ打开链接跳转浏览器代码:自动识别是否为QQ内打开,如是将自动跳转浏览器,也可复制网址自己打开,复制下方代码加入到你的页面中就可实现。 目的是为了防止QQ拦截;如有帮助到你,请记得收藏 微信
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options); 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.加载其他插件 Selenium操作浏览器是不加载任何配置的,网上找了半天,关于Firefox加载配置的多点,Chrome资料很少,下面是关于加载Chrome配置的方法: 一、加载所有Chrome配置 用Chrome地址栏输入chrome://version/,查看自己的“个人资料路径”,然后在浏览器...
// content.jsconstsetBtnDom=document.getElementById("set");setBtnDom.onclick=function(){// 向background.js传入消息chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type:"open_set_page",});}; 设置页与background.js通信 我们在content.js中打开了一个设置页,此时如果设置页向与content进行通信,那么该怎么办呢?
For most people the default New Tab Page in Chrome works perfectly well for their purposes. But if you would prefer to choose what opens in a new tab