If you would like to turn off the Safe Browsing mode, you can simply swipe the Safe Browsing mode off by the toggle button. STEP03 Changing the Safety Level of our extension by selecting “default” or “high”. When the safety level is selected to be “high”, Safe Browsing will enfor...
--safe-mode 当Chrome在启动后的前60秒钟内崩溃3次或以上时,由session_manager守护程序添加的开关。请参阅platform2 / login_manager / browser_job.cc中的BrowserJob :: ExportArgv。 --safebrowsing-enable-enhanced-protection 启用安全浏览增强保护。 --safebrowsing-manual-download-blacklist 逗号分隔的sha256...
--disable-clear-browsing-data-counters 在“清除浏览数据”对话框中禁用数据量计数器。 242 --disable-client-side-phishing-detection 禁用客户端网络钓鱼检测功能。请注意,即使启用了客户端网络钓鱼检测,只有在用户选择了UMA统计信息并且在首选项中启用了SafeBrowsing时,它才会处于活动状态。 243 --disable-cloud-imp...
916 --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update 如果存在,则safebrowsing仅在显式调用SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::ForceScheduleNextUpdate()时执行更新。这仅用于测试。 917 --safebrowsing-disable-extension-blacklist 禁用检查列入黑名单的扩展程序的安全浏览功能。 918 --safebrowsing-manual-download-blacklist 可执行文件的...
9.–disable-low-end-device-mode,改写低端设备检测,禁止低端设备的优化。 附其它收集命命令行参数: disable-accelerated-compositing 禁用加速 disable-winsta 禁用渲染备用窗口 disable-application-cache 禁用应用程序缓存 disable-apps 禁用应用程序 disable-audio 禁用音频 ...
Is Incognito mode really safe? Some people might think that by making your browsing private, you’re also making your browsing safer. However,that’s not entirely the case. Reports show thatthe privacy of private browsing has been exaggerated. Yourbrowsing historymay be safe from loved ones who...
preserve battery life. In a blog post shared today, Google says that with a single full charge, a 13-inch M2 MacBook Pro running Chrome can be used to browse the internet for 17 hours or watch YouTube for 18 hours. With improvements to Energy Saver mode, browsing time is extended for...
Google Chrome 浏览器命令行开关参考 GoogleChrome浏览器命令行开关参考 "activate-on-launch" "allow-file-access" "allow-http-background-page" "allow-outdated-plugins" "allow-scripting-gallery" "always-authorize-plugins" "always-enable-dev-tools" "app" "app-id" "apps-checkout-url...
Enabling advanced browser protection (Safe Browsing > Enhanced protection) makes Chrome to collect telemetry for add-ons that are not installed from the Chrome Store catalog. This is done to detect malicious activity on the Google side. The collected data includes hashes of the add-on files and...
Are you looking for a VPN that works well with the Chrome browser? These VPN extensions for Chrome protect your privacy and prevent tracking without impacting your browsing sessions.