下载Chrome Remote Desktop[ZH] ดาวน์โหลด Chrome Remote Desktop[TH] Скачать Chrome Remote Desktop[RU] Descargar Chrome Remote Desktop[ES] Chrome Remote Desktop 다운로드[KO] Scarica Chrome Remote Desktop[IT] ...
sign into a Googleaccounton the Chrome Remote Desktop official website. Upon downloading and installing the platform, the framework will prompt people to "Choose a name" for their computer; decide on a name that is memorable and reflective of the purpose of the equipment...
Chrome Remote Desktop is a free easy-to-use remote desktop app software that was built from the ground up to provide incredibly simple operation for casual users and enthusiasts who just want to quickly jump in on the desktop of the distant computer.Even though it does not support various fea...
Chrome Remote Desktop If you’re anything like me, you spend basically all of your time on “holiday” not with family enjoying a nice cup of cocoa, but rather fixing and setting up all their devices. This can be annoying itself, but when you go back home, it can be even more of a...
摘要: Chrome Remote Desktop是一个Chrome远程桌面的浏览器扩展,它允许用户通过Chrome浏览器插件的方式控制其他计算机的桌面。 chrome remote desktop下载 关联标签: 远程桌面工具分享 Chrome远程桌面工具 远程控制软件分享 插件大小:25.44KiB 插件版本:63.0.3239.17 支持语言:简体中文 更新日期:2024-12-23 下载次数:2055...
Chrome Remote Desktop 下载 Chrome Remote Desktop 关于 Chrome Remote Desktop 规格 版本: 27.0.1453.65 文件大小: 21.72MB 添加日期: 一月4, 2018 发布日期: 六月26, 2013 价格: Free 操作系统: Windows XP/Vista/7, 上周下载: 203 附加要求 需要Google Chrome浏览 ...
Chrome Remote Desktop网址:https://remotedesktop.google.com/ Step1 首先,开启Chrome浏览器,并输入Chrome Remote的网址后,再点画面中右下的下载图标。 Step2 接着页面会导向,Chrome 的应用程序商店,再点一下「加到Chrome」钮,并完成安装。 Step3 当外挂安装完毕后,则会再下载一个安装文件,并双响刚所下载的文件...
Chrome Remote Desktop is fully cross-platform. Provide remote assistance to Windows, Mac and Linux users, or access your Windows (Windows 7 and above) and Mac (
Descargar Chrome Remote Desktop Advertisement Last Updated WLan Driver 802.11n Rel. Free VLC Media Player (64-bit) Free VLC Media Player (32-bit) Free Dahua ConfigTool Free Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for Windows 10 Paid ...
Chrome Remote Desktop isbasic but solid. You have to install the extension from the Chrome store. You'll need to set up your computer for remote access so you'll have to install a couple pieces of software. Don't worry as Chrome Remote Desktop will walk you through all of that. ...