然后在Chrome中打开一个新的标签,并单击“Chrome Remote Desktop BETA 单击“share this computer(共享这台电脑),并会为你产生一个12位的密码 这是一次性的代码,可以用来访问你的电脑。从另一台计算机,点击“access a shared computer(访问一个共享的计算机)”并输入刚才获得的12位密码 然后这个浏览器标签就会一点...
Chrome Remote Desktop is fully cross-platform. Provide remote assistance to Windows, Mac and Linux users, or access your Windows (Windows 7 and above) and Mac (
然后在Chrome中打开一个新的标签,并单击“Chrome Remote Desktop BETA 单击“share this computer(共享这台电脑),并会为你产生一个12位的密码 这是一次性的代码,可以用来访问你的电脑。从另一台计算机,点击“access a shared computer(访问一个共享的计算机)”并输入刚才获得的12位密码 然后这个浏览器标签就会一点...
Chrome Remote Desktop BETA是一个完全跨平台的工具,意味着你可以把任意两台装有Chrome浏览器的电脑连在一起。
你的好友如何查看你共享的电脑呢?首先打开Chrome浏览器,新建一个标签页,点击应用图标启动程序,然后点击访问共享电脑(Access a shared computer),最后点击连接(Connect)。 建立远程共享之后的效果图如下: 目前仅只是只有经过一次性授权的用户可以获得远程访问权,并且整个分享过程都经过加密。这对IT管理员来说是一个得力的...
Once the remote desktop app is set up on both the host and remote computer, launching the software on a mobile device is a simple matter of clicking its icon like any other mobile app. On desktop devices, open Chrome, find the remote desktop web app, and simply launch it. ...
Requires you to remember and enter the remote computer's unique PIN before accessing. No PIN codes are required. Simply select the computer you want to access and connect instantly. Remote Support Comparison Chrome Remote Desktop Splashtop
Chrome Remote Desktop isbasic but solid. You have to install the extension from the Chrome store. You'll need to set up your computer for remote access so you'll have to install a couple pieces of software. Don't worry as Chrome Remote Desktop will walk you through all of that. ...
This guide will show you how to access another computer with Chrome Remote Desktop. By following this guide, you will access files and applications on another computer ov
The first time you launch Chrome Remote Desktop, you’ll need to grant it permission to access your computer. Click Continue, make sure that you are signed into your Google account, and then click ‘Allow access’. 首次启动Chrome远程桌面时,需要授予其访问计算机的权限。 单击继续,确保您已登录Goo...