其次,将您刚刚下载的“Chrome Policy Remover for Mac”文件解压缩到您的下载文件夹或您在个人 Google Chrome 网络浏览器中选择的其他位置。 双击Apple 脚本 最后,双击“Chrome–Policy–Remover-for-Mac”。 授权,然后自动关闭 Google Chrome 网络浏览器窗口。 删除所有配置文件和 Chrome 策略。 Windows下如何删除 Ch...
另外你还可以使用名为「Chrome policy remover」的 bat 文件,在爱否微信公众号后台回复「Chrome 政策」即可获取下载地址。但很多国外用户表示这个文件有些情况下可能会失灵,因此还是按照上面的步骤删除注册表文件更彻底一些。 目前这个托管问题似乎只出现在 Windows 平台上,macOS 和 Linux 目前似乎还没出现相关的问题;而...
如果是Mac, 下载安装the Chrome Policy Remover for Mac就可以了。(估计还有个window版本)下载地址https...
Chrome-Policy-Remover-for-Mac Ni**ri上传60KB文件格式zipChrome 双击“Chrome–Policy–Remover-for-Mac”。 授权,然后自动关闭 Google Chrome 网络浏览器窗口。 删除所有配置文件和 Chrome 策略。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分
Navigate to the "\Windows\System32\" folder and delete "GroupPolicy", as well as "GroupPolicyUsers" folders (deleting requires Administrator's permissions).Open the Windows "Run" tool by right-clicking the Windows icon in the taskbar and selecting "Run", or pressing the "CTRL" and "R" ...
Managed by your organization is a Google Chrome entry related to Google policy settings Essentially, the “Managed by your organization” virus is established due to changes within the registry of Windows computers. Since the release of Chrome 73, users are seeing this message if the browser det...
If that doesn't work,can you try this new version1.3of my"Chrome Policy Remover for Mac":https://drive.google.com/uc?authuser=0&id=1wk1LAVhWvFYBtO8ftekerL6eonnteZTW&export=downloadDownload the Chrome Policy Remover for Mac. Close all open Chrome windows. ...
Download:Chrome Policy Remover All you need to do is download the script and run it as an administrator on Windows PC. If it asks for permission, allow it, and you will see a message saying “All Chrome Policies are removed.” After that, you can uninstall any Chrome extension without an...
"Product experts" in Chrome's support community seem frequently torecommenddownloading a "Chrome Policy Remover" to eliminate these policies, but we can't recommend downloading and running strange files from random Google Drive accounts. Some Chrome users have reported it didn't fix their problem,...