在Chrome浏览器的地址栏中输入 chrome://plugins/ ,回车,打开“插件”设置页面。如图:在其中可以看到“Adobe Flash Player”插件,点击“停用”链接停用该插件。然后就可以安装新版的Adobe Flash Player插件了。建议到Adobe官方下载最新版本的Adobe Flash Player插件。安装最新版Adobe Flash Player插件...
What is the use of Adobe Flash Player? Is it safe to unblock Adobe Flash Player? How do I download the latest Adobe Flash Player? How do I enable Adobe Flash Player in Microsoft edge? How do I enable Adobe Reader on Internet Explorer? Will any browsers continue to support Flash? What ...
The Adobe Reader plugin will not be supported in Chrome. The Chromium team has decided to remove support for NPAPI plugins like Adobe Reader. Here's a blog post that describes their decision - Chromium Blog: The Final Countdown for NPAPI On Windows, it is still possible to change the Chrom...
那怎么办呢,这时你可以借助于系统中安装的NPAPI和PPAPI来实现,具体你在360浏览器地址栏输chromeplugins回车,点右上方+详细信息,找到Adobeflashplayer,研究一下类型和版本,停用哪个启用哪个,人为设置一下即可。6 再次打开IE浏览器,选择菜单中的“工具”“Internet选项”“高级”“还原默认”确定7 关闭...
All: I use the Adobe Reader plugin a lot for work. I have found a workaround to the new Chrome version 42 update that has removed the NPAPI plugins, including Adobe Reader. In the Chrome browser URL, type "chrome://flags". Find the flag called "Enable...
1、在360浏览器地址栏输入chrome://plugins/,出现内核的插件管理页,按下右赏角的“详细信息”按钮。2、找到Adobe Flash Player. 一般有多条。注意看版本号比如10.。只保留“开启”版本号“最高”的版本的pepflashplayer32,把其余低版本的全部“停用”。3、一般这样就已经修好不卡了。
3. 复制flashplayer.xpt NPSWF32.dll这两个文件到C:"Documents and Settings"[UserName]"Local Settings"Application Data"Google"Chrome"Application"Plugins。 注意:[UserName]为你的账户名称,如果没有Plugins该文件夹,新建即可。 4. 重启谷歌浏览器Google Chrome,然后你就会发现谷歌浏览器Google Chrome的Flash插件已经...
到Adobe官方网站下载Flash Player插件并安装。如果当前浏览器版本为Chrome57以下的版本(不包括57),则进行如下操作:重新启动Chrome浏览器,在地址栏中输入“chrome://plugins”并按回车键,显示界面如图4-10所示。正常安装后,将会看到两个Flash Player插件,其中位置属性中以“pepflashplayer.dll”结尾的是Chrome自带的插件...
如果您已经在计算机上安装了Adobe Acrobat或Adobe Reader,则可能会使用Adobe插件打开PDF文件。 如果您希望使用“文档PDF查看器”阅读PDF,则需要禁用Adobe插件。 在地址栏中输入以下内容以打开Chrome插件页面: chrome://plugins/ chrome:// plugins / and then clickDisableunderneath theAdobe Acrobatplugin. ...
Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, and all versions of Java together are responsible for around 66% of the vulnerabilities in Windows systems. Yet, many prefer to use it, for the functions it performs. In this post, we will see how to disable or enable Adobe Flash Player in Google Chrome, Edge...