The Google Chrome OS ISO Image file for Virtualbox and VMWare is around 6.46GB, so you will need a good internet connection to download the Chrome OS ISO file. So, here is a tool that you can use to speed up the download process.Internet Download Manager toolthat will help you enhance ...
Windows:安装Chrome OS/Chromium OS/CloudReady 到虚拟机VMware/VirtualBox,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Sun VirtualBox 下载地址: Google Chromium OS Pre-Built VMDK Image 下载地址(注:在任何一个地址下载都可以,无需全部下载): 进入后点击Google Chromium...
Linux based web stuff, open source… yeah, that’s all cute, but just words. So today the option arrived to see what we’re dealing with.These clownshave a download page where you can download a virtual machine image to check out a snapshot of Chrome OS. I went to their page and f...
今晚,想尝试新的chrome os ,结果却发现出了问题: This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. 解决办法: 打开设置-系统-处理器 然后在扩展特性:启用PAE/NX 处打钩...
进行以下步骤请确保自己电脑能够科学上网,翻墙需要。首先下载ChromeOS文件,下载地址为下载64位的,大概785M。 然后解压下载的压缩文件有个扩展名为.bin Windows:安装Chrome OS/Chromium OS/CloudReady 到虚拟机VMware/VirtualBox...
Once you've installed a virtual machine program, head to Neverware's CloudReady virtual machine images page. Click the appropriate link to download the virtual machine image for either VirtualBox or VMware, whichever you have installed. Next, import the downloaded virtual machine appliance...
Q:VLC crashes or gives garbled images while using VirtualBox. What should I do? A:This is due to buggy direct 3D/video emulation. Use the GDI video output in the preferences to solve this issue. Q:I am unable to hear conversations while playing 5.1 audio? Is there a way out?
进入到你相关虚拟机的设置界面 找到usb选项 选择启用之后你再尝试一下如果已经选了启用 那选择启用usb2.0之后重启一下虚拟机 就好了