Now getting and downloading the prior versions of Google Chrome is possible. Slimjet share the old versions of Chrome, packed as 7zip self-extracting executable file. Download the one you need, run the executable and extract the files on your hard drive. Simply launch Google chrome with chrome...
chromebrew 是一个 Chrome OS 的包管理器 展开 收起 暂无标签 Ruby 等3 种语言 GPL-3.0 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (177) 全部 近期动态 1年多前同步了仓库 6年多前创建了仓库 不能加载更多了 马...
ProcessException: No such file or directory Command: /Applications/Google Chrome, OS error code: 2 #0 _ProcessImpl._start (dart:io-patch/process_patch.dart:402:33) #1 Process.start (dart:io-patch/process_patch.dart:38:20) #2 Chrome._startProcess (package...
Using different Chrome executableWhen starting, the factory will look for the environment variable "CHROME_PATH" to use as the Chrome executable. If the variable is not found, it will try to guess the correct executable path according to your OS or use "chrome" as the default....
binary string Path to the Chrome executable to use (on Mac OS X, this should be the actual binary, not just the app. e.g., '/Applications/Google Chrome') extensions list of strings A list of Chrome extensions to install on startup. Each item in the ...
ext ...and this is a relative one: :folderName1:fileName.ext Moreover, on Windows os....
importosimportreimportsysimportwinregimportzipfile,timefrompathlibimportPathimportshutilimportrequests python_root = Path(sys.executable).parent# python安装目录version_re = re.compile(r'^[1-9]\d*\.\d*.\d*')# 匹配前3位版本信息defget_chrome_version():"""通过注册表查询Chrome版本信息: HKEY_CUR...
4 File file = new File ("files\\youtube.crx"); 5 ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); 6 options.addExtensions(file); 7 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options); 8 driver.get(""); 9 System.out.println("start firefox browser succeed..."); ...
一、安装selenium 方法一: pip install selenium 方法二:我用的pycharm,直接在里面安装。 File——settings——Project——Python Interpreter——点击"+"——搜索”selenium"——instal
importosimportplatformTOOL_PATH="/Users/zhongxin/gitproject/wytest/src/tools"classDriverOperator:def__init__(self):self.system=platform.system()ifself.system=="Windows":self.path=f'{TOOL_PATH}/driver/win'self.chrome_file_name=""elif self.system=="Linux":self.path=f'...