--oobe-force-show-screen 强制OOBE/login强制显示http://oobe_screen.cc中chromeos::kScreenNames的以逗号分隔的屏幕列表。支持的屏幕有:user- image 959 --oobe-guest-session 表示在OOBE完成之前已启动访客会话。 960 --oobe-skip-postlogin 用户登录后跳过所有其他OOBE页面。 961 --oobe-timer-interval 我们检...
After that, open the utility, then enter the model number of your Chromebook and follow the instructions on the screen to boot Chrome OS onto your drive. Remove the USB stick from your work computer and insert it into your damaged computer. Turn on your device, hold Esc + Refresh on your...
531 --enable-fullscreen-tab-detaching 在Mac上以全屏模式启用标签分离。 532 --enable-fullscreen-toolbar-reveal 启用全屏工具栏以显示标签条更改。 533 --enable-google-branded-context-menu 在由Google服务提供支持的上下文菜单项旁边显示Google图标。 534 --enable-gpu-async-worker-context 通过使用单独的流使...
921 --screen-config 指定FakeDisplayDelegate的初始屏幕配置或所有显示的状态,有关格式详细信息,请参阅类。 922 --screenshot 保存已加载页面的屏幕截图。 923 --scripts-require-action 通知用户并要求同意运行脚本的扩展。附加--scripts-require-action=1与--enable-scripts-require-action具有相同的效果。 924 --...
Potential issues include the computer is unresponsive, freezes, or has a dark screen. If your Chromebook has no power, go to HP Chromebooks - Chromebook is not charging or does not turn on. Note: If you see the error Chrome OS is missing or damaged. Please insert a recovery USB ...
3...无法进入全屏时触发: document.fullscreenerror 进入全屏并不总是成功的,可能是技术原因,也可能是用户拒绝,我们在上文进入全文的APIElement.requestFullscreen...比如全屏请求不是在事件处理函数中调用,会在这里拦截到错误 /** * @description: 浏览器无法进入全屏时触发 * @param {Function} enterErrorFn 回...
以下是我所做的: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { RemoteWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(new ChromeOptions().setHeadless(true)); try { driver.navigate().to("https://example.com/"); File file = driver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FI 浏览0提问于2017-12-20得票数...
However, when it comes to desktop OS like Windows 10 and macOS, there are quite a few headaches to deal with. For example, the Chrome browser isinfamous for hogging over the system RAM. Another widespread issue is a white or black screen error when you open the Chrome browser on Windows...
277 --disable-login-screen-apps 在登录屏幕上禁用应用程序。默认情况下,它们是允许的,可以通过策略安装。 278 --disable-low-end-device-mode 设置时强制禁用低端设备模式。 279 --disable-low-latency-dxva 创建DXVA解码器时禁用CODECAPI_AVLowLatencyMode。 280 --disable-low-res-tiling 使用CPU光栅化时禁用...
stops working and only displays a blank, white screen. This issue can be caused by all kinds of accidents on your devices. Dropping your phone or having a hardware component go awry can cause you trouble of this sort. Even a failed/interrupted OS update can cause your device to show a ...