Chrome offline installation packageGoogle Chrome installer downloadGoogle Chrome off-line installer downloadChrome offline exe installerGoogle Chrome installation progress bar is slow and then fails, what should I doGoogle Chrome failed to install online, you can install it using offline installation...
control.exe /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms /page pageDefaultProgram explorer.exe ms-settings:defaultapps Win11设置Chrome为默认浏览器的设置步骤: 1.双击“chrome.exe”程序运行,在地址栏输入“chrome://settings”回车(或者点地址栏右边的“三个点→设置”)。 2.设置页面往下拉,在“默认浏览器”右边点“设为...
Free Download Google Chrome 133.0.6943.99 Web Browser for Windows Offline Installer - The most popular internet browser worldwide.
一般会先得到一个体积不到1M的setup.exe程序。然后点击这个程序后,会自动联网下载Chrome最新正式版的安装包。而这个过程,因为众所周知的网络原因,往往很容易失败。3 下面我们介绍成功率较高的Chrome官方提供的离线安装方法。首先,用浏览器打开Google首页,搜索chrome offline installer 点击第一个搜索结果。
Provides the latest Google Chrome offline installer download links. Requirements: cURL Supported platforms: Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit, Mac OS (Both Intel and ARM64) Supported channel: Stable, Beta, Dev, Canary Example: { "win_stable_x64": { "version": "74.0.3729.131", "size": "5581952...
因为Great fire wall,Chrome无法更新,下载独立版(alternate/offline Installer)的地方 很多朋友可以用proxy firefox访问google,却无法让Chrome online installer连网更新。所以需要这个alternate installer: 独立版英文叫做: Alternate (offline) Google Chrome installer (Windows) 参考文章以及下载官方地址: https://...
Download Google Chrome Offline Installer forWindows xp, windows 7 and 8, Mac OS x, Linuxfromhere The chromeBrowserlink given above is of standalone offline installer with full setup file of the latest released version. It doesn’t require you to remain online during installation process. Just ...
2019-12-25 14:25 −在chrome快捷图标,找到目标里面的chrome.exe路径 。关闭所有chrome页面,打开cmd , 目标路径 --disable-web-security --user-data-dir 。即可打开chrome跨域模式。如果想一直打开的页面是跨域模式,可以直接在属性的目标后面加上... ...
(offline) Google Chrome installer (Windows) If you're downloading Chrome for your own user account only, use this installer: Alternate installer for one user account »
Recently we covered how to get the full offline installer for popular browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer. If you want to