Function(作用)Shortcut(快捷键) open last closed tab 打开上一个关闭的标签⌘+Shift+T close current tab 关闭当前标签⌘+W open new tab 打开一个新标签⌘+T go to address bar 移动到地址栏⌘+L go to specific Tab 移动到指定标签⌘+Number Key(e.g:⌘2will go to 2nd tab) ...
1、Google Chrome browser keyboard shortcutAll other shortcutsNote: If youre using a Windows or Mac keyboard, use the Windows key or Command key in place of the Search key.Tabs and windowsOpen a new windowCtrl + nOpen a new window in incognito modeCtrl + Shift + nOpen 2、a new tab...
To use, install the extension and then click on "Keyboard Shortcuts" at the bottom of the extensions page. There, select a shortcut key for "Global New Tab Shortcut" and be sure to change the dropdown to "Global". This extension doesn't add handlers to pages or anything fishy. It ...
Google Chrome browser keyboard shortcut All other shortcuts Note: If you’re using a Windows or Mac keyboard, use the Windows key or Command key in place of the Search key. Tabs and windows Open a new window Ctrl + n n Open a new window in incognito mode Ctrl + Shift + n n Open...
From the background, open the target page corresponding to the button in the new tab. Double click the blank area of the label bar. Maximize window. Three, open the shortcut to Google browser function Ctrl+B opens and closes the bookmarks bar Ctrl+H view history page Ctrl+J view the ...
If you are using Chrome on a Mac computer, use theCommand keyinstead of theCtrl keywhere applicable. Tip We also have a full list of shortcuts specific to Chromebooks on ourChromebook shortcut keyspage. Additional information Top 10 keyboard shortcuts everyone should know....
The offline & original crx file ofShortcutKey2URL v1.7.1was fully archived from the web store server and is for home or personal use only. You could learn more about theShortcutKey2URLor proceed to install it to your web browser. ...
Chrome快捷键大全(Chromekeyboardshortcuts) 谷歌浏览器谷歌浏览器快捷键大全2010.11.22更新版>< 中文版: 一、地址栏快捷方式 在地址栏,进行下列操作之一: 键入搜索字词,然后按使用默认搜索引擎进行搜索进入。 键入搜索引擎关键字,按空格键,然后键入搜索字词,再按使用与关键字相关联的搜索引擎进行搜索进入。
// main documentworker.onmessage = function (e) {if ( === "update") {let link =document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']") ||document.createElement("link");link.type = "image/x-icon";link.rel = "shortcut icon";link.href =;document.head.appendChild(...
Windowskeyboardshortcuts TABandwindowshortcuts Ctrl+Nopensanewwindow. Ctrl+TopensthenewTAB. Ctrl+Shift+Nopensanewwindowinstealthmode. PressCtrl+Oandselectthefile.OpenthefileintheGoogle Chromebrowser. HolddowntheCtrlkeyandclickthelink.Orclickthelink ...