774 --main-frame-resizes-are-orientation-changes 主框架的大小是由横向和纵向模式(即Android)之间的更改引起的,因此页面应该重新调整以适应。 775 --make-chrome-default 指示在安装期间是否应将Chrome设置为默认浏览器。 776 --make-default-browser 使Chrome默认浏览器 777 --managed-user-id 将任何已加载或新...
浏览器的启动参数可以帮我们实现很多功能。 常用参数 序号参数 说明1- -allow-outdated-plugins 不停用过期的插件。2- -allow-running-insecure-content 默认情况下,https 页面不允许从 http 链接引用 javascript/css/plug-ins,添加这一参数会放行这些内容。3- -disable-plugins 禁用插件。4- -disable-desktop-notifi...
A lightning fast homepage dashboard with stunning backgrounds, news, weather, HTML, Bookmarks, sports, RSS feed, stocks, todo, custom iFrames and much more! Make your home start page the way you want it to be: Fast, customizable, beautiful and productive! iChrome includes over 50 widgets, ...
access-check"; // Disables print preview (For testing, and for users who don't like us. :[ ) const char kDisablePrintPreview[] = "disable-print-preview"; // Normally when the user attempts to navigate to a page that was the result of // a post we prompt to make sure they want...
a red badge will appear at the top right corner of the app's icon. This badge will show the number of unread messages for the given service. Navigating to one of those sites and reading the messages will make the badge go away (or if you only read some of the messages, and leave ...
Avant 浏览器友好的用户界面为你的网络冲浪带来全新的效率和透明性。软件版本的不断升级使产品的可靠性稳步提高。 三核渲染引擎 Avant Browser 支持三核心渲染引擎:Internet Explorer 内核 Trident,Mozilla Firefox 内核 Gecko 和 Google Chrome 内核 Webkit。
Bug reports that include steps-to-reproduce (including code) are the best. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests. We have addedVS Code Remote support with containers. If you are on Windows, setgit config core.autocrlf inputso you don't get git errors. ...
Quicklink attempts to make navigations to subsequent pages load faster. It: Detects links within the viewport(usingIntersection Observer) Waits until the browser is idle(usingrequestIdleCallback) Checks if the user isn't on a slow connection(usingnavigator.connection.effectiveType) or has data-saver...
<data id='HomepageLocation' value='https://ww.mywebsite.com'/>With this configured i should be able to go to the homescreen with the home button.At first i thought it maybe had something to do with the quotes i used, i tested ' and ", but that did not make a difference...
be people who have their own compelling reasons for using other browsers but these will by and large be personal to them. Perhaps if you worry about your privacy then Mozilla Firefox would make a better choice or if you have a penchant for virtual reality then Mozilla Firefox Reality would ...