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762 --gaia-url 没有描述 763 --gcm-checkin-url 设置将用于执行GoogleCloudMessaging签入的签入服务端点。 764 --gcm-mcs-endpoint 设置将用于GoogleCloudMessaging的MobileConnectionServer端点。 765 --gcm-registration-url 设置将用于创建新的GoogleCloudMessaging注册的注册端点。 766 --generate-accessibility-tes...
$ wget For 64 Bits OS: $ wget After download run the command in the .deb directory for both 32 and 64 bits OS to install Google Chrome. ...
6 --account-consistency 用于启用帐户一致性的命令行标志。默认模式已禁用。镜像是一种传统模式,其中Google帐户始终会添加到Chrome,然后Chrome会将其添加到Google身份验证Cookie中。骰子是一项新的实验,Chrome可以识别Google身份验证Cookie中的帐户。 7 --agc-startup-min-volume 覆盖与getUserMedia中的音轨一起使用的Web...
There is no back up and cannot be undone. You will have to reinstall Google Chrome if you run this script. Please download the attachedfixlist.txtfile and save it to the Desktop or location where you ran FRST from. NOTE.It's important that both files,FRSTorFRST64, andfixlist.txtare ...
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I used WinMerge for comparing these two standalone Chrome exes, version 86.0.4240.111 - 64 bits and 87.0.4280.66 - 64 bits, respectively ChromeStandaloneSetup64_28-10-2020_14.24.03_valid_Copy_old_version.exe (downloaded from