Unlikely to happen …for now Google has ‘no current plans’ to make a native Windows Phone Chrome app, one of the browser’s developers has said. The update comes several months after a Chromium developer wasassigned to investigatethe feasibility of porting the browser to Microsoft’s mobile ...
确实,在Windows 8和Windows Phone时代,谷歌冷落了微软,但是今昔已经不同往日了。我们看到,随着桌面应用转制版被允许上架到微软商店,这个商店里的内容正越来越丰富,相信谷歌也看到了这一点,他们在微软商店以折衷的方式上架“Chrome浏览器”就足以证明谷歌对微软商店的态度已经发生了转变,谷歌已经抛出了一支橄榄枝,...
反之选择“Portail”即可;“Form Factor”指的是设备类型,此处建议选择“Phone”(手机),这样运行后显...
Download Google Chrome Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10. We provide Google Chrome APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10). Google Chrome: Fast & Secure is a free Communication app. Freepcapp.com helps you to install any apps or games available on Google Play St
ProtonVPN offers both Free Plan and various paid plans. As we are covering best free VPN for Windows, Android, and other OS. So we just talk about a free version of ProtonVPN. ProtonVPN offers location up to three countries in the free plan. And with one account you can access only ...
:可以将当前浏览的网页自动切换到不同类型的浏览器阅读。User-AgentSwitcherforChrome 比如IE、iOSSafari、WindowsPhone、Firefox等。:可以方便地把网盘的下载链接导出到aria2/aria2-rpc,支持YAAW。网盘助手 :一款谷歌地球标签插件,当用户打开新标签页的时候该插件会为用户展示美丽的地球风光,也是Google官方开发。
因为人们正在寻求不会触发 YouTube 反广告拦截弹出窗口的替代品。不过老话说得好,“办法总比困难多”,有的开发者提供了可以自动 16 倍速播放 YouTube 广告的插件 AdSpeedup,还有开发者发现一种绕过 YouTube 的反广告拦截的特殊方法:只需通过官方创建的扩展程序将浏览器标识(UA)更改为 Windows Phone 即可。
Site Permissions:Grant or deny permissions for websites to access your location, microphone, camera, and other features. Multi-device & Advanced Features: Chrome Remote Desktop:Turn your phone, tablet, or another computer into a remote control for your desktop! This allows you to view and transf...
To download Google Chrome for Windows 11, go togoogle.com/chrome Google Chrome is the world’s favorite browser. Google has an open-source project called Chromium, and Chrome is Chromium + Google’s exclusive features like sync, autofill, and more. ...