3.手机Mobile(和前两种屏幕不同;适合具体的视图尺寸,不会占满整个窗口,因为手机的浏览器通常没有边界) 原文链接:15 Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers and Developers 译文链接:对Web设计和开发人员有用的15个Chrome插件
Google Chrome browser comes with a plethora of extensions that enhance the user experience. To make things easier, listed are the best free Chrome extensions to boost your performance and improveproductivity. Best Chrome Extensions for Web Developers and Designers Boost your productivity with these Chr...
英文原文:http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2011/08/25-must-have-chrome-extensions-for-web-designers-and-developers/ viaChrome官方博客
Today I am gonna share with you my favorite Chrome extensions for web designers and front-end developers. As a web designer myself, these are some that I regularly use and others are really worth mentioning. I tried my best to select the best out there. I hope you will find them useful...
It is one of the best Chrome extensions for web designers and developers because it allows them to test their layouts on various browser resolutions. The list of resolutions is editable (add/delete/reorder). You can change the width/height of the window, its position, the icon (phone, ...
原文标题:17 Chrome Extensions For Web Developers and Designers In 2019,作者:Nikhil Tyagi 【51CTO译稿,合作站点转载请注明原文译者和出处为51CTO.com】
AppJump的一个很酷的功能是组织到不同群体的应用程序和扩展的能力。 28Speed Tracer Speed Tracer 是一个用来识别和修复你Web Apps性能的工具 总结 原文地址: 25+ Must-have Chrome extensions for web designers and developers 我相信Chrome会不断进步,成为独当一面的浏览器,让我们拭目以待吧!
原文标题:17 Chrome Extensions For Web Developers and Designers In 2019,作者:Nikhil Tyagi 【51CTO译稿,合作站点转载请注明原文译者和出处为51CTO.com】 发表于:2019-08-082019-08-08 16:25:38 原文链接:https://kuaibao.qq.com/s/20190808A0HM7S00?refer=cp_1026 ...
hl=en 作用:随时了解新产品发布的最新情况 这个插件会总结出现在市面上顶级产品设计,但是整体数量不多,我觉得这样更好,可以利用碎片时间就可能了解到了。本文由墨刀翻译自Titus Decali 的5 useful chrome extensions for designers,已获授权。
These extensions are handy today to increase productivity in the fast-paced, technologically advanced world. Hopefully, a few of these Chrome extensions can be added to your browser and come in handy for faster and more reliable results. 19. Web Developer The Web Develop...