Mortal Kombat 11 Chrome New Tab: Kickstart Your Browsing with Kombat For fans of the iconic fighting game franchise Mortal Kombat, the Mortal Kombat 11 Chrome New Tab extension brings the thrill of kombat directly to your browsing experience. Developed by NetherRealm Studios and released in April...
New Tab Notes is a Chrome Extension designed to transform your new tab page into a clean, distraction-free notepad. It provides rich text formatting, auto-saving, and syncing functionalities, making note-taking seamless across your devices. How does rich text formatting work in New Tab Notes?
newtab 下面就操作一番: 新建一个manifest.json: {"chrome_url_overrides":{"newtab":"tab.html"},"manifest_version":2,"name":"myextension_newtab","version":"1.0.0"} 新建一个tab.html Welcome! 把这两个文件保存到某个文件夹下(注意不要保存到Chrome扩展的默认文件夹下,不然会被删除),然后加载扩...
This extension changes standard New Tab to awesome with your favorite background. It allows you to customize background image as you want. Now you can easily choose color, add dark theme, tile customization and much more. Enjoy! ⇩Download Chrome New Tab ...
Chrome Extension 动手实操 最近想玩下chrome的插件主要有两个原因, 一个是前段时间对chrome new tab的功能太少很不满意, 现有插件又不能满足需求, 想自己搞个. 由于界面设计实在是我的障碍而且自身需求不急, 就没动手; 另个是最近想在公司内网求一个ipad mini, 僧多粥少, 往往刚有一个卖的半小时内就被...
New Tab Studio is a very powerful application to change your new tab. You can make its design ABSOLUTELY ANY with our widgets! Replace and customize your New Tab page with this extension (countdown, clocks, quotes, images, texts, etc.). It will help you to focus and be productive with...
我找到一个简约的、干净的chrome插件,new tab redirect。下载安装地址 安装后,可以在配置中配置新标签页要跳转的页面,设置完后、能跳转,一切就形成了闭环。 配置页面: chrome-extension://icpgjfneehieebagbmdbhnlpiopdcmna/options.html 希望你的操作越来越顺畅、方便、直接。
Repository files navigation README new-tab-chrome-extension 我不想让我的chrome的new tab页看起来很单调,所以这个项目是用来自定义我的chrome的new tab页的 参考引用 About my new tab chrome extension Resources Readme Activity Stars 0 stars...
在Chrome Extension 的开发中,Tabs API是专门用于处理浏览器标签页的接口。它允许开发者创建新的标签页、查询现有标签页、修改它们的属性,甚至在后台监控标签页的状态变化。简单来说,通过 Tabs API,你能够在浏览器中以编程的方式控制标签页的行为。 常见的应用场景包括: ...