//manifest.json文件{"manifest_version":3,"name":"Reading time","version":"1.0","description":"Add the reading time to Chrome Extension documentation articles"} 其中manifest_version、name、version是必须的键。 Service worker 也就是后台服务,主要是负责处理和监听浏览器的各类事件。后台服务...
Profiling through the Google Chrome extension works by setting a cookie with a short expiry for the domain you are visiting. The cookie contains profiling instructions and a cryptographic signature, which the server with the Tideways PHP extension verifies, using the secret API Key, using a strong...
2. Firefox扩展开发文档:https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/ - Firefox扩展API文档:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API 3. Safari扩展开发文档:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices - Safari扩展API文档:https://developer.apple.com/...
了解扩展程序 API 和功能。 查看所有 API chrome.action chrome.alarms chrome.commands chrome.declarativeNetRequest chrome.offscreen chrome.runtime chrome.scripting chrome.sidePanel chrome.storage chrome.tabs chrome.userScripts chrome.webNavigation chrome.webRequest ...
API bridgesIn order to allow for seamless porting of Chrome APIs to supported Microsoft Edge APIs, two scripts are added to your extension's folder. These scripts bridge APIs (polyfiling where necessary), meaning you won't have to worry about changing any Chrome specific code in you...
Chrome Platform API documentation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Building Chrome Extensions with Angular 2 How do I start building a Chrome extension using Angular 2? To start building a Chrome extension using Angular 2, you first need to set up your development environment. This involves in...
{ "name": "My extension", ..."permissions": [ "management" ], ... } API说明:chrome.management 方法 get chrome.management.get(stringid,functioncallback) 获得指定id的扩展/应用的信息。 参数 id (string) 应用或扩展(ExtensionInfo)中的ID。
如果扩展使用chrome.runtime.connectNative与本机应用交换消息,请确保在本机消息主机清单文件中将 设置为allowed_originschrome-extension://[Microsoft-Catalog-extensionID]。 设置允许应用标识扩展。 后续步骤 扩展包准备好在 Microsoft Edge 加载项网站上发布后,请创建开发人员帐户并发布扩展。
While Google Chrome, Firefox and Edge share the same extension API, Safari extensions are going in a different direction, requiring developers to use a different set of APIs and partly also Swift instead of JavaScript. The Topee project provides the Google Chrome Extension API for Safari, allowing...
chrome.bookmarks.create({'parentId': bookmarkBar.id, 'title': 'Extension bookmarks'}, function(newFolder) { console.log("added folder: " + newFolder.title); });The next snippet creates a bookmark pointing to the developer documentation for extensions. Since nothing bad will happen if ...