Finally Google is addressing this issue and have released first Google Chrome Standalone Enterprise edition which comes as windows installer package ( .MSI installer package). Now system admins and network admins can perform wide and remote deployments tasks which weren’t possible with the old rel...
MSIX is the future of Windows app packaging. Find out how to convert your existing MSI installer for Google Chrome enterprise to MSIX in minutes.
32位 :: 此链接是无更新组件的正式版离线安装包,单个正式版国内高速下载地址 64位 ...
I tried: msiexec.exe /i "GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi" /qb I tried to view the contents of the MSI thinking it was merely a wrapper for something else and found that there are no files!! I tried repackaging with Adanved Installer, "wait while windows configures google chrome" then...
Install Chrome using the MSI installer: msiexec.exe /i "C:\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi" /qn /norestart /l*v "C:\Logs\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.log" If you run into troubles when Chrome cannot reach the internet, add the MSI parameter NOGOOGLEUPDATEPING=1. Optional: Inst...
如果只是想安装Chrome浏览器,只需要运行GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi即可。其他两个msi文件主要是为企业环境设计的。 如你能科学上网,可直接在此链接处自由选择! 至于说谷歌浏览器企业版还是个人版,自己喜欢就是最好的,没有谁比谁...
32位 Google Chrome 49.0.2623.122 Stable for Windows XP
32位 :: 无更新组件的此版官方稳定版,离线安装包EXE,此版下载直链(国内高速线路) 64位
32位 :: 无更新组件的此版官方稳定版,离线安装包EXE,此版下载直链(国内高速线路) 64位
64位 32位 Google Chrome 49.0.2623.122 Stable for Windows XP