Watch Data Offline Chrome helps you to download your favorite video audio or other such data and save it in the right inside of the downloads home. You can also watch it offline. Voice Searching You can use your voice too for searching instead of typing in the search bar. This way gives...
Google Chrome Download for PC Windows 7/10/11, 32/64-bit is a free web browser to allows users to seamlessly browse the internet.
1050 --safebrowsing-disable-download-protection TODO(lzheng):一旦功能正常(,请删除此标志。禁用安全浏览功能,该功能可检查下载URL并下载内容的哈希,以确保内容不是恶意内容。 1051 --safebrowsing-disable-extension-blacklist 禁用检查列入黑名单的扩展程序的安全浏览功能。 1052 --safebro...
XTranslate is another excellent extension that works offline as well. I mostly use it when I have a PDF open and need to translate specific lines. When you click on the extension icon, it opens a small window where you can copy and paste the text you want to translate. This saves time...
773 --loopback-i2s-bits 用于传递I2S输入的配置以启用AEC的环回。 774 --main-frame-resizes-are-orientation-changes 主框架的大小是由横向和纵向模式(即Android)之间的更改引起的,因此页面应该重新调整以适应。 775 --make-chrome-default 指示在安装期间是否应将Chrome设置为默认浏览器。 776 --make-default-...
浏览器的启动参数可以帮我们实现很多功能。 常用参数 序号参数 说明1- -allow-outdated-plugins 不停用过期的插件。2- -allow-running-insecure-content 默认情况下,https 页面不允许从 http 链接引用 javascript/css/plug-ins,添加这一参数会放行这些内容。3- -disable-plugins 禁用插件。4- -disable-desktop-notifi...
(malware or phishing). That is a download of data from, not to As you surf around the web, if you happen to hit a url whose hash is in the dangerous list, the 32-bit hash is sent to Google and Google replies with a full 256-bit hash of the dangerous ...
Step 3:At the bottom of the defender settings there is the checkbox " Windows Defender Offline scan". To start it, click "Scan Now". Note that you have to save all unsaved data before rebooting your PC. After clicking “Scan Now” burton, the computer will reboot and automatically start...
# Operating system : Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (32 bits)# User : Mirek - ASUS# Boot Mode : Normal# Running from : C:\Documents and Settings\Mirek\Plocha\adwcleaner.exe# Option [Delete]*** [Services] *** [Files / Folders] *** [Registry] ***Key Deleted : HKCU\Software...
773 --loopback-i2s-bits 用于传递I2S输入的配置以启用AEC的环回。 774 --main-frame-resizes-are-orientation-changes 主框架的大小是由横向和纵向模式(即Android)之间的更改引起的,因此页面应该重新调整以适应。 775 --make-chrome-default 指示在安装期间是否应将Chrome设置为默认浏览器。 776 --make-default-...