Context Menu Editor3.4 2023-03-04 30 点击下载 离线安装教程 谷歌商店 介绍 上下文菜单 (contextMenus) 的编辑器。单击“选项”页面以对其进行编辑。 单击“选项”页面以对其进行编辑。它可以自定义(附加)上下文菜单。它还支持嵌套菜单(parentId)。 查看更多 评分 2.3 共7 位用户参与评分 使用人数 261+ ...
Chrome 扩展程序也会显示在这。 代码编辑(Code Editor)区域展示源码。 JavaScript 调试(JavaScript Debugging) 区域是用于调试的,我们很快就会来探索它。 现在你可以再次点击切换按钮 隐藏资源列表来给代码腾出一些空间。 三、控制台(Console) 如果我们按下 Esc,下面会出现一个控制台,我们可以输入一些命令然后按下 Ente...
“cookies” and “all_urls” – to query and modify cookies for any hosts. “contextMenus” – to open Cookie Editor from context menu. “storage” – to store extension options. PRIVACY POLICY: COOKIE EDITOR WEBSITE: https://ww...
To start debugging this application using the built-in server, set a breakpoint in index .js, open index .html in the editor, and select Debug 'index.html' from the context menu. CLion creates a run/debug configuration automatically, and a debugging session starts. To restart the new run...
Linguee Context Menu 1.5.1 2023-03-05 1 介绍 一个chrome 插件女巫提供了一个上下文菜单,方便 linguee 搜索 这是一个 chrome 插件,它提供了一个上下文菜单,方便 Linguee 翻译器搜索。这个插件是非官方的,与 Linguee 背后的公司没有任何联系。 查看更多...
To quickly activate the mode, the "Open in Read Mode" link has been added to the context menu displayed for the selected text. For a small proportion of users (about 1%) whose system uses DNS server (Quad9) or Cox provider DNS servers to resolve names, DNS traffic encryption...
(q);13pageClients.contextMenuClient =newContextMenuClientQt();14pageClients.editorClient =newEditorClientQt(q);15pageClients.dragClient =newDragClientQt(q);16pageClients.inspectorClient =newInspectorClientQt(q);17#ifENABLE(DEVICE_ORIENTATION)18pageClients.deviceOrientationClient =newDeviceOrientation...
However, it’s possible to open and edit source files directly in Chrome. Any changes you make are saved to the file system and updated within the editor (presuming it refreshes when file changes occur). Step 1: Launch Developer Tools ...
LastPass //密码管理,妈妈再也不用担心我记不住密码啦,哈哈 有道词典Chrome划词插件 //支持Chrome...
JSONView for Google Chromeoriginated as aFirefox addon. It’s complete with context menu options to copy a JSON path or value. There is also a built-in style editor for customizing the theme. As an extension created by another developer,JSONVueexpands on the JSONView’s ability to validate...