New Tab Studio is a very powerful application to change your new tab. You can make its design ABSOLUTELY ANY with our widgets! Replace and customize your New Tab page with this extension (countdown, clocks, quotes, images, texts, etc.). It will help you to focus and be productive with ...
Because it can automatically filter chrome://newtab/ dnknn changed the title Bug🐞: can not open chrome://newtab/ Bug/Change: Do not add chrome://newtab/ to the recovery list on Sep 7, 2020 dnknn closed this on Jun 9, 2021 Sign...
In the extension's option page, change the video source to "Local Server" and then enter your local address. If you are using the configuration file I provided, the default address is http://localhost:18000/videos/.About Turn your Chrome's new tab page into macOS' gorgeous screensaver aeri...
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) { if (changeInfo.status === 'complete') { console.log('Tab updated: ' + tab.url); } }); 这种监听机制非常适合需要监控特定网站行为的扩展,例如广告屏蔽器或自动化登录工具。如果放到自动化当中,我们可以等待页面加载完成把我们的功...
distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need...
- Change the number of most visited thumbnails and apps in the options page. - Remove apps by dragging the app to the trash bin at the lower right corner. I added a lot of these new features in the Chrome browser in the past months. They are available starting from Chrome 37. ...
/** refresh current page (usually user change the settings) */ chromeEvent.on(REFRESH, () => { reloadCurrentTab() }) chromeEvent.on('custom-event-name', async params => { try { const { success, data, msg } = await commonApi.getXxx(params) ...
letchangeColor=document.getElementById("changeColor");changeColor.onclick=function(el){"color",function(data){;});}; 如果需要调试popup页面,可以在弹框中右击 => 检查,在DevTools中进行调试查看。