How to Start Google Chrome Always in Guest Mode. Starting in Google Chrome 77, you can create a shortcut to open Chrome in Guest Mode. The browser allows
Chrome Browser企业隐私指南说明书 Introduction Thanks to the everywhere access to key apps and data accessed through the browser, the most connected business users are spending more than half of their day working in the browser. However, organizations also face growing security, privacy, and ...
--browser-startup-dialog 使浏览器进程在启动时显示一个对话框。 --browser-subprocess-path 为渲染器和插件子进程运行的exe的路径。 --browser-test 告诉代码是否正在运行浏览器测试(这将更改内容外壳程序使用的启动URL,还禁用使测试不稳定的功能(例如监视内存压力))。 --bwsi 指示浏览器处于“不登录浏览”(来宾...
本文供为企业或学校管理 Chrome 浏览器或 ChromeOS 设备的管理员参考。 作为 Chrome 管理员,您可以允许用户以无痕模式浏览网页。例如,多名用户可共用一台设备,但却无法查看其他用户的浏览记录和 Chrome 个人资料信息。 第 1 步:对比私密浏览选项 确定哪种私密浏览模式适
Learn more at the Google Chrome Help Center Set your startup page You can set which page or pages appear when you start Chrome browser (your startup page). Start Chrome on a new tab You can have Chrome open a New Tab page whenever you start Chrome. On your computer, open Chrome. At...
要主要禁用跟踪(分析),请使用命令行开关:-enable-profiling=0某些跟踪仍将在启动时进行,但在chrome_browser_main期间将关闭。 546 --enable-push-api-background-mode 启用PushAPI的后台模式。 547 --enable-reader-mode-toolbar-icon 在工具栏中启用上下文相关的阅读器模式按钮。 548 --enable-request-tablet-...
= "allow-nacl-socket-api"; #endif #if BUILDFLAG(IS_LINUX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS) || BUILDFLAG(IS_MAC) || \ BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) const char kEnableNewAppMenuIcon[] = "enable-new-app-menu-icon"; // Causes the browser to launch directly in guest mode....
Dash.js version: 2.9.2 Browser name/version: Chrome/ 70 OS name/version: Mac OSX Steps to reproduce Open chrome in guest mode Try to automatically play any video with sound/volume > 0 using the dash player. You can do this on page load, ...
running scenario with headless:true cause configured extension not to load. browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless:false,args:[ '--load-extension=/Path/to/extension' ], ignoreHTTPSErrors:true}); With the same code running with headle...