Chromatographie en phase gazeuse avec variation linéaire de la concentration du solvant le long de la colonneGas chromatography with linear solvent concentration gradient This paper describes a new method of preparative gas chromatography using a column in which the concentration of the solvent on the...
Comparative studies on eight columns have been made. The ideal conditions were determined. The technique is especially useful for the identification of isomeric nitriles.doi:10.1016/0021-9673(70)80024-3G.A DardenneM SeverinM MarlierElsevier B.V.Journal of Chromatography A...
Chromatographie capillaire en phase gazeuse, à température programmée, de mélanges complexes d'hydrocarbures C3à C16 Indices de rétention sur polypropylène glycol en chromatographie isotherme et à température programméeOriginals Published: September 1968 Volume 1, pages 364–374, (1968) Cite...
The thermal fragmentation is compared with the fragmentation induced by electron impact. Some information on the reaction schematic is obtained using deuterium and 14 C labeled compounds.doi:10.1007/BF02269398P. KriemlerJ. A. VllminD. P. MayW. SimonSpringer-VerlagChromatographia...
Quelques applications de l'indice linéaire de rétention en chromatographie en phase gazeuse 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 60 作者:MS Vigdergauz,AA Martynov 摘要: The possibility of the rapid and accurate determination of the linear retention index without the logarithmic process and without the ...
Une méthode de dosage de la paraphénylène diamine dans le sang par chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse est mise au point. La validation de la méthode a démontré une bonne liné...
L'indice de rétention des alcanes isomères en chromatographie en phase gazeuse A method, using the radiolysis of an alkane, for the obtention of a great number of branched hydrocarbons is given. The retention index at 100掳 as well as its variation with temperature is determined on Apiezon...
Chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masseOrtho-toluidine is a carcinogen aromatic amine. It is in part eliminated as unchanged form and its urine determination allows biologic monitoring of occupational exposure. We propose a new method simple and fast ...
Identification des composés hydroxylés et de leurs dérivés par chromatographie en phase gazeuseIt is shown that the identification of hydroxylic compounds and their derivatives (esters, ethers) by gas chromatography is easier if retention indices of three stationary phases are used and if the ...
Chromatographie en phase gazeuseProgrammation de températureIndices de rétentionModèle spline cubiqueSimulation.Retention indices computed by cubic spline interpolation for some plasticizers have smaller standard deviations, and are more constant at different heating rates than the corresponding ones ...