Special guest Stephen Lane, Prop Store’s CEO, returns with incredible treasures from the Christopher Reeve Superman films. From rare production newspapers and Lois Lane’s iconic blouse to shimmering crystals and a must-have Lex Luthor wardrobe accessory—this episode is packed with iconic movie m...
Then presently the interminable fen stretches for miles and miles in every direction; you can see, from the high green flood-banks of the river, the endless lines of watercourses and far-off clumps of trees leagues away, and perhaps the great tower of Ely, blue on the horizon, with the ...
She continued, "My husband was unable to hold me or the children, and I couldn't allow the children to get near him for fear that they would hurt him. Any movement by him caused him terrible pain. We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation, and it turned out they were ...
Sitting on the black soil banks of Yandilla (Gaibal = running water), or walking through the Red Gum flood plains, watching the wallaroos and goannas amongst the bloodwoods and Moreton Bay Ashes on the red soil sandy ridge or kangaroos and a very occasional emu in the open country, countr...
“So it is that LA-CROIX-MA-FILLE takes its place in the same perilous tradition as “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” “They Flee From Me That Sometime Did Me Seek,” and “La Belle Dame Sans Merci.” And with reference to the latter in particular, the old Middle-English word ...
Whose banks are set with groves of fruitful vines;Then up to<100> Naples, rich Campania,Whose buildings fair and gorgeous to the eye,The streets straight forth, and pav’d with finest brick,Quarter the town in four equivalents:<101>There saw we learned Maro’s golden tomb;The way he ...
fees, they told me they’d pass the matter along to my branch who would look into it and make a decision. I never heard back from my branch, nor did I receive any sort of refund. This was my other bank in Utah. In Utah, banks also tell you to go fuck yourself, but more ...
Of recollection; oft on Medway’s banks I’ll muse on thee full pensive; while her streams Regardful ever of my grief, shall flow In sullen silence silverly along The weeping shores—or else accordant with My loud laments, shall ever and anon ...
And let them know that I am Machiavel, admired am I by those that hate me most.The Jew Of Malta by Christopher Marlow
yes. See how stand the vanes– East and by south: why, then, I hope my ships I sent for Egypt and the bordering isles Are gotten up by Nilus’ winding banks; Mine argosy from Alexandria, Loaden with spice and silks, now under sail, Are smoothly gliding down by Candy-shore To Malta...