Christmas Trivia Questions Use our Trivia Questions and Answers to play a trivia game. The easiest way to play is to divide your group into pairs or teams of three or more players. Have one person designated to call out questions. The caller can either ask a question letting teams or pairs...
Once the kids are tucked in bed, it's time for the adults to have some fun. Make this classic game more holiday-themed by posing questions like, "Never have I ever regifted a gift" to see what things your friends and family are guilty of doing. You can play the traditional way by...
10 Christmas Quiz Questions Perfect For Adults via:Unsplash / Jakob Owens It's always fun to have a separate set of Christmastrivia questions for adultsto widen the range of topics in your game of trivia. Such trivia question isperfect for adultsbecause they challenge them with things they're...
Christmas Movie Trivia is a hit, especially among teens with a penchant for holiday films. You’ll need a list of questions based on popularChristmas moviesto set up. Consider including questions from classics and newer releases to make it enjoyable for everyone. Divide the teens into teams, a...
Christmas locations, mastering time management in exciting culinary scenarios. As you progress through this best Christmas game for adults, you can collect diamonds to ensure the entire family as they attend Paige's school play and enjoy hidden object elements, thereby challenging you to spot ...
You may also like120 Christmas Trivia Questions & Answers, Games + Carols Table of Contents Super Short and Easy Christmas Icebreaker Games Christmas Dinner Table Games for Adults Share a Favorite Holiday Memory Message under a Plate Topics Tables ...
Look up some Christmas facts and trivia online to get ideas for tricky questions. A tougher question could be something like: 'The Three Wise Men brought the baby Jesus frankincense, myrrh, and what?' Christmas Whispers is another good Christmas party game for the whole family ...
Write each question down on a piece of paper and put it inside a box and the players have to grab a question out and answer it. We have played these movie trivia games in so many different ways. That is why I love them so much. ...
guess the item. For best results, limit the amount of possible questions to five or ten, or put a one minute time limit on each round. You can play this game in teams, and award points to any team who is able to guess the gift correctly within the allotted time or question allowance...
You get: 100+ Christmas bingo cards, 150+ Christmas charades and pictionary cards, Christmas left right gift exchange games, Christmas trivia, Christmas jeopardy, and more fun games! GRAB THE BUNDLE TODAY! Rules of Use All free files for kids or for adults on are for pe...