Three Kings Day, or Epiphany, is widely celebrated in Spain and Latin America and France. It’s a holiday 12 days after Christmas when people remember the arrival of the Wise Men. Special cakes are made with small treats hidden inside. More about Three Kings Day inThe Jesus Storybook Bible ...
Every Christmas our family reads each night from the Jesus Storybook Bible. As soon as dinner is over, we read a chapter and put a corresponding ornament on a little tree. –shared by Annette Start a “12 Days of Christmas” tradition with a different theme for each day. Have books to ...
For the last few years, we have followed a simple Advent reading schedule using Sam’sJesus Storybook Bible. This sweet children’s Bible does such a beautiful job tying all of the Old Testament stories many of us grew up hearing in Sunday School back to the much larger story of a Savior...
These beautifully illustrated Bible story collections can be read together as a family each day, painting a sweeping picture of God’s plan to rescue broken humanity. Discover the beauty and grace of Jesus inThe Advent Storybook,The Easter Storybook, andThe Go-and-Tell Storybook, and their accom...
On Christmas Eve, we gather around the fireplace, wrapped in cozy blankets, and read the story of Jesus' birth from the Bible. It's a touching reminder of the true meaning of Christmas – love, hope, and the promise of a brighter future. After the story, we leave out a plate of ...
Life of Jesus: Last Supper - Bible Story, Coloring, Singing, and Puzzles for Kids De pago The Ant and the Grasshopper - A Free Interactive Childrens Storybook for Kids & Parents Gratuito Kobo Gratuito Holy Bible King James Version (KJV) and Apocrypha Gratuito Italian Holy Bible...
16 episodes of Christian heroes on DVD and a 144-page, full-color activity book. This set is a $250 value and sure to inspire your entire family. You will also receive our two storybooks: the second edition ofThe Pilgrim’s Progress Illustrated Storybook, and theiBIBLEStorybook, Volume 1...