Enjoy the warm-hearted and sometimes humorous stories of how Christmas was celebrated in Victoria during the Victorian era — A First Nations legend, Christmas Day brawls at Fort Victoria, a touching Gold Rush tale, Christmas store decorations and an amusing memory from Emily Carr's childhood are...
Christmas Village The Original in Victoria Recent Reviews I have traveled the world collecting Christmas ornaments. I have never been in a store that has been so unwelcoming!!! ..." Paula This is the most degrading experience I have had at a retail store. The owner is a rude, abrasive...
soups & sauces; and more. They typically offer Classic Turkey Feasts; Surf and Turf Meals; Prime Rib Meals; Beef Wellington Meals; Braised Lamb Shank Meals; Atlantic Salmon en Croûte Meals; Vegan Meals and more. Check your local store for pricing and offerings. ...
A few week’s ago, I shared the results of a study that gave me pause. Results of a poll put out by CandyStore.com revealed that New Jerseyans ranked Skittle as their favorite Christmas candy in 2022. You read that right… skittles. Maybe the respondents were all in a rough headspace ...
(Nanoose Bay to Bowser) who need extra support providing gifts for children, and putting food in the cupboards. The program provides a special gift for children and youth so they can find something special under the tree Christmas morning, and families and individuals re...
Oddly enough, that’s how the idea first came to Chato. Listening to radio playing at the store, he said, “It just happens off the cuff,” and the words begin to replace themselves. Though, Chato said, he tries to “match the spirit of the original” with every parody. ...
SantaClaus •TheoriginofSantaClausbeginsinthe4thcenturywithSaintNicholas,BishopofMyra,anareainpresentdayTurkey.ByallaccountsSt.Nicholaswasagenerousman,particularlydevotedtochildren.Afterhisdeatharound340A.D.hewasburiedinMyra,butin1087ItaliansailorspurportedlystolehisremainsandremovedthemtoBari,Italy,greatlyincreasing...
SantaClaus •Hiskindnessandreputationforgenerositygaverisetoclaimshethathecouldperformmiraclesanddevotiontohimincreased.St.NicholasbecamethepatronsaintofRussia,wherehewasknownbyhisredcape,flowingwhitebeard,andbishop'smitre.ChristmasTrees •In16th-centuryGermanyfir(杉木)treesweredecorated,bothindoorsandout,with...