Christmas Song Riddles Danielle Carson Q: What is every parent’s favorite Christmas carol? A: "Silent Night." Q: If a lion wrote a Christmas album, what would it be called? A: Jungle Bells. Q: I'm a catchy carol and a tune that likes to rhyme, I contain 12 magnificent gifts that...
In the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” what kind of tree is the partridge sitting in? Answers The Polar Express They are supposed to kiss. We leave carrots and oats for reindeer. We leave milk and cookies for Santa. Fruitcake The little drummer boy played a song for him on his...
Which Christmas song plays during the end credits of Die Hard? Show answer What song does Buddy join in to sing with Jovie which she’s in the shower in Elf? Show answer In Home Alone 2, which song is playing as Kevin arrives in New York? Show answer What Christmas song has appeared ...
that are sure to put kids and adults alike in the spirit. From fun facts about popular Christmas songs to classic Christmas movies, we’ve rounded up some of the best trivia questions and answers to put your holiday knowledge to the test. While some are easy, others may require a bit ...
The Gospels of Luke and Mathew 20. Name the fruit that is used to make Christingles. Oranges Related Reading:Best and Funny Christmas Riddles for Kids Christmas Carol Trivia for Kids Christmas trivia from the biblehelp them understand the history behind the birth of Jesus and why Christmas is...
The night before Christmas I had a list of riddles and another list with the riddle answers (which I had been preparing for weeks ahead of time). I cut all the riddles and answers individually. I started taping the answer to the riddles to the gifts. (age appropriate as I have young ...
Brownielocks and The 3 Bears present112 Christmas Riddles (These are really corny, cheesy and very puny. Be prepared to groan.)The answers to the riddle jokes are with our snowman. Just place your cursor over our snowman and the answer will appear....
Also, Jessica - who falls in love with Santa - has a song about how head-over-heels she is for Kris Kringle. As she's singing, she seems to go on an acid trip. The lyrics of one of the songs that Santa sings hasn't aged well, especially out of context: If you sit on my ...
a. Jolly and happy b. Dark and sad c. None. He’s a snowman d. water According to the song “Frosty the Snowman” what kind of soul does Frosty have? a. Jolly and happy b. Dark and sad c. None. He’s a snowman d. water ...
Christmas Riddles Trivia Game - 15 punny holiday riddles with answers.The printable download includes a version with an answer box (with the answers mixed up on the page) and one without. Examples: What is Santa's nationality?What is a snowman's favorite fast food?Get the answers HERE!