Christmas in 1929 will be remembered for a great blaze in the nation's capital. As a children's Christmas party took place for President Herbert Hoover's aides and friends, the West Wing executive offices caught fire. Despite the four-alarmer bringing some 130 firefighters to the White House...
But the enduring details of Santa’s story—the red suit, rotund belly and reindeer-pulled flying sleigh—were popularized by the 1822 poem “An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas” with its immortal first line, “‘Twas the night before Christmas…” Read more. What is a Yule log?
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Dayis a Christmas carol based on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s 1863 Civil-War era poemChristmas Bells, and contains the closing verse “Of peace on earth, good-will to men!” at the end of each stanza. Bing Crosby‘s last television special was filmed in L...
If you're in the mood for something fun and happy to watch on Christmas this year, look no further than these animated movies and holiday cartoon films.
There is bleakness, too, rather than the rustic revelry which Laurie “Cider with Rosie” Lee's name might lead one to expect, in his 1954 poem Twelfth Night, adroitly set to music by the American composer Samuel Barber in 1968. This austere meditation on the earth's ‘utter death', mor...
with Hoy in the background. An admirer of GMB had left a little teddy bear in front of the grave and another one a pen… there were many moving testimonies. GMB’s gravestone bears an inscription taken from the last two lines of his 1996 poem, “A work for poets”. It reads “Carve...
s most popular Christmas carol comes in several different translations from the German original. It started out as a poem by the Austrian Catholic priest Father Josef Mohr in 1816. Two years later, Mohr was curate at the parish church of St Nicola in Oberndorf when he asked the organist and...