Traveling further, Mexico features tamales,pozole, andbacalao. Japan celebrates with fried chicken and Christmas cake, a modern twist embraced with joy. From hearty to sweet, these meals embody the holiday spirit, bringing people together through food and tradition. Ten Christmas Dining Traditions Uni...
Our next Christmas food is popular all over the Spanish- speaking world. It is called rosca de reyes. This means “King’s ring”. From Spain to Mexico to South America, people make, buy, and eat King’s ring. They celebrate the end of the Christmas season, called Epiphany. Like stoll...
Most of my family live in Mexico in the City where I grew up as kid. This is where we usually spend our Christmas with our parents, brothers and sisters and their families. The tradition in Mexico is very similar to the other countries in North, Central and South America. It is a tim...
Christmas Traditions in Mexico: The weather is warm and mild in Mexico during the Christmas season. Families shop for gifts, ornaments, and good things to eat in the market stalls, calledpuestos. They decorate their homes with lilies and evergreens. Family members cut intricate designs in brown...
In France the Christmas feast takes place on Christmas Eve - 24th December- and is called Le Reveillon. Traditionally Le Reveillon is a very late supper held after midnight mass on Christmas Eve. The menu for the meal varies according to regional culinary tradition. In today’s busy world you...
Mexico Mexico is known for its vibrant colours and joyous celebrations. So it’s no surprise that a Mexican Christmas is filled with fantastical festivities lasting well over a month. Elaborate nativity scenes, or nacimientos, are the decoration of choice in...
31. A CHRISTMAS TRADITION (The Strand, Dec 15-17, 20-23) The song-and-dance revue might seem old-fashioned to today’s tech-obsessed Millennials, but it’s a storied theatrical tradition that pre-dates Vaudeville. Fortunately, this annual holiday show at Marietta’s Earl and Rachel Smith ...
In South andCentral America, unique religious and secular traditions mark the Christmas celebration. InMexico, on days leading up to Christmas, the search ofMaryandJosephfor a place to stay is reenacted inLas Posadas, and children try to break a piñata filled with toys and candy. Christmas...
Christmas Trees in Mexico In most Mexican homes the principal holiday adornment isel Nacimiento(Nativity scene). However, a decorated Christmas tree may be incorporated in the Nacimiento or set up elsewhere in the home. As purchase of a natural pine represents a luxury commodity to most Mexican ...
The poinsettia originated in Mexico, where it is known as the "Flower of the Holy Night." In Mexico, a heart-warming story explains the origin of the poinsettia: On a Christmas Eve, long ago, a poor little boy went to church in great sadness because he had no gift to bring the Hol...