“The calendar in use in the west is the Gregorian calendar under which Christmas is observed on December 25th. Here in Bermuda we celebrate in the tradition of the ancient Ethiopian Church. “Our divine liturgical service begins at 9:30pm sharp on Christmas Eve with scripture readings and spe...
This does not mean one does not observe it. You should light the Advent candles at dinner after reciting the prayer. And of course read the scripture readings for this day as well, If you are participating in the Christmas Novena, this is the last day of the novena. Then at midnight Ad...
Christmas Day in Victorian Times Traditionally the Victorian Era Christmas began on Christmas Day when church bells called everyone to church for scripture readings interspersed with carols. Christmas dinner was a grand family affair for those who could afford it with a goose, chicken or roast beef....
festive decorations, and heartwarming nativity scenes, there's one cherished tradition that truly captures the essence of the season—singing beautiful Christmas hymns. These hymns are not just songs; they are lyrical expressions deeply rooted in Scripture, evoking a profound sense of wonder and devo...
This offers the warm experience of an English Christmas with a complete Christmas Eve service as famously sung every year by this superbly trained choir of men and boys: prayers, readings from scripture, and 20 carols and Christmas songs old and new. The older music, much of which will be ...
Please join us for Advent and Christmas at First United Methodist Church as once again we prepare for and celebrateJesus' birth. Most of us are very good at decorating and preparing our homes for Christmas; but what about preparing our hearts?The activities, ministries, Scripture readings, and...
The scripture Tertullian seems to be referring to is 1 Timothy 6:1: 1 Let as many bondservants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and His doctrine may not be blasphemed. NKJV 1 Whosoever are servants under the yoke, let them...
A brief explanation of this Sunday in the Church Year, with a service of worship in Scripture and music that retraces the journey through the Church Year in preparation for the beginning of Advent.A Service for the Hanging of the Green - Traditional A service of worship for the ...
4Healing Scripture To prepare for the activity, cut out several large, hand-shaped pieces of paper. Read several of the healing scriptures in Matthew such as the healing of the lepers, of Peter’s mother-in-law and the woman of Capernum. Add any other healing stories you wish. Ask your...
Carols can be sung by individual singers, but are also often sung by larger groups, including professionally trained choirs. Most churches have special services at which carols are sung, generally combined with readings from scripture about the birth of Christ, often this is based on ...