Inspiring and creative family devotions provide a moment of peace and reflection for each evening of Advent, while fun and inexpensive project ideas help parents focus their kids' attention on what really matters at Christmas: Christ.Hibbard Ann...
Christmastoallthechildrenwhoattend. Tengiveeachfamilyacompletekitandtheirownsetofdevotionsto takehome. HoweveryouchoosetousetheCountDowntoChristmasActivityKit,we praythatitwilldrawmanyindividualsandfamiliesclosertotheirSavior, Jesus,duringtheAdvent-Christmasseason. MayourLordcontinuetoempoweralltheworkyoudoforhis...
Family & Home Birthday Free Safety Materials Games Organization Misc. In the Kitchen Monthly Topics January February March April May June July August September October November December Seasonally Themed Learning Fall Winter Spring Summer Holiday Themed Learning Thanksgiving Chri...
“There’s no arguing or picking sides. When Christmas is here, we are one family. That’s why I like it.” In the past, the majority of the relatives would go to the midnight mass. Many family members sang in the choir and for a few years, Mrs. Harper and two of her cousins d...
How a popular tune like "We Three Kings" express how Christians have long interpreted the birth of the Messiah