Christina Rossetti's religious poems have received much recent critical attention as aesthetic objects, historical documents and even as theological statements. I argue that those poems that are prayers should be read as 'wounded speech' as Jean-Louis Chr茅tien described, prayers that recognised the...
摘要: With close readings of 'Up-Hill' and 'A Birthday', Dr Simon Avery explores the tensions and questions that characterise the quest for spiritual fulfilment found in Christina Rossetti's religious poetry.DOI: ...
Before we dive into the poem itself, it's helpful to understand a bit about Christina Rossetti and the context in which she wrote "Remember". Rossetti was a Victorian-era poet who lived from 1830-1894, and was known for her deeply religious and introspective works. "Remember" was published...
Finally, the poem is notable for its use of language, with Rossetti using a lyrical, musical style to convey the power of poetry. The use of repetition, as in the phrase "Plunge in thyself" in the first stanza, emphasizes the intensity of the speaker's emotions, while the use of rhyme...
Christina Georgina RossettiRos·set·ti, Chris·ti·na Geor·gi·na/rəʊˈzeti, krɪˈstiːnə dʒɔːˈdʒiːnə$-dʒɔːr-/ (1830–94)a British poet known for her religious poems, some of which are used ashymns. She was the sister of Dante Gabriel...
1.On the Religious Emotion Revealed in the Poetry of Puritanical Christina Georgina Rossetti克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂诗歌中的宗教情怀 2.An Analysis of the Death Theme in Christina Rossetti s Lyrical Poems;试析克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂抒情诗中的死亡主题 3.The Ladder of Love--a Study on the Subject-Transition in...
religious beauty of feature, and sat as a model not only to her brother Gabriel, but to Holman Hunt, to Madox Brown and to Millais. In 18 53-54 Christina Rossetti for nearly a year helped her mother to keep a day-school at Frome-Selwood, in Somerset. Early in 1854 the Rossettis ret...
As a religious poet, Christina Rossetti saw or felt the gaze of God in almost every one of her 996 poems, and numerous religious figures appeared frequently in her poems. Eve was also one of the religious figures who appeared repeatedly in her poems. Influenced by the Oxford movement and ...
From this point in her career , Rossetti published six books of devotional prose and the majority of her religious verse. In all but one case (Annus Domini, which was published by James Parker), she sold the copyright outright to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK), ...
SING NO SAD SONGS FOR ME: A Study of the Influence of the Oxford Movement upon Christina Rossetti as Evidenced in her Poetry by Debbie J. Brown Christina Rossetti was largely influenced by the religious reformation known as the Oxford Movement; this study attempts to record that influence by ...