Each city had its own god and except for the gods of Rome, none were thought to have a political or patriotic significance. 15 The Roman Empire was rather lenient to all religions and cults and each emperor and each commoner would choose the god he/she preferred. 16 (查看原文) 路德喵...
路德喵 (書綴行腳百納衣。) 读过 Christianizing the Roman Empire 书名: Christianizing the Roman Empire 作者: Professor Ramsay MacMullen/Ramsay MacMullen 副标题: (A. D. 100-400) (A.D. 100-400) 页数: 200 出版社: Yale University Press ...
1984a. Christianizing the Roman Empire, A.D. 100-400. New Haven.MacMullen, R. Christianizing the Roman Empire. New Haven: Yales U. P., 1984.MacMullen, R., 1984, Christianizing the Roman Empire, Yale University Press, New Haven....
"Christianizing Egyptbuilds on David Frankfurter’s career working on the religious history of Roman and late antique Egypt and his deep knowledge of the Egyptian sources, material and literary alike, from hagiographical texts and sermons (in both Coptic and Greek) to terracotta figurines and amul...