loved. God is the creator of all things, an eternal being who is incomprehensible and is ruler of all things, the King of kings. God created the Earth and everything on it in six days. On day one God created lights; on day two He created the heavens and water; on…show more ...
There are a multitude of forms of Christianity which have developed either because of disagreements on dogma, adaptation to different cultures, or simply personal taste. For this reason there can be a great difference between the various forms of Christianity. These may even appear to be different...
6 Reasons to Give Up on Your New Year's Resolutions Whatever God places on your heart, do that thing. His timeline is far different from ours, and He isn't bound by New Year's resolutions or self-made promises. Trust Him to lead you in the way you should go, even if it means gi...
This entreaty to Mary as Mother of God is for some Protestants a “Catholic accretion” and considered unbiblical and theologically unsound.Some will say that we do not need Mary’s intercession, when we can go directly to God on our own. Such views ignore the power and influence of mothe...
Christians believe with the New Testament that the death of Jesus, in conjunction with His resurrection, is an indispensable event for the reconciliation of lost sinners with God. There are three elements they see to the understanding of His death on the cross. - Jesus having the knowledge th...
It has been interesting to watch the news people and pundits at MSNBC and CNN try to explain what happened last Saturday night by claiming that it was shards of glass instead of an assassin’s bullet, and brushing off Trump’s near death experience as nothing of the sort, simply a minor...
Christianity, major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ, or the Anointed One of God) in the 1st century ce. It has become the largest of the world’s religions and, geographically, the most widely diffused of all faiths. It has a ...
Adam and Eve | the Age of the Earth | Climate Change | Evolution | Fossil Record | Genesis Flood | Miracles | Cosmology | Big Bang theory | Bioethics | Darwinism Death | Extraterrestrial Life | Multiverse | String theory | and much, much more Endorsements Since the mid-1990s, an exciting...
Scripturally, a mind focused on the flesh is said to be in opposition to God. And yet flesh plays a primary role in the act of salvation: the Christian God enters the world incarnate, suffers a physical death, returns with a tangible resurrected body, and promises a similar corporeal resur...
The Geneva Bible and Its Influence on the King James... Warmongering Jewish-Zionist terrorism Health “Genocide by Prescription”: Drug Induced Death in... Load more Categories 'The Church'13 Abortion3 Anti-Christian34 Antifa2 Bible14 Censorship4 Christianity70 Colonisation1 Communi...