II.—Christianity and the common lawdoi:10.1080/00048402408540713AllenC.K.Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Neoplatonic themes that provided intellectual material for Christian and non-Christian thinkers alike in theearlycenturies of the Common Era included a hierarchicalconceptionof the universe, with the spiritual on a higher level than the physical; the eternal reality of such values as goodness, truth,...
Like the Christian leaders, they basically ignore what triggers sexual attraction in both of the sexes. It’s very difficult to have a low-income and low-status married couple having a lasting marriage if they get bombarded all the time from the world, friends, family, and so on about how...
Here the stone leapt up from the plain of earth, leapt up in a manifold, clustered desire each time, up, away from the horizontal earth, through twilight and dusk and the whole range of desire, through the swerving, the declination, ah, to the ecstasy, the touch, to the meeting and t...
The ultimate list of free online ebooks, digital and electonic texts on on Christianity including biblical studies, sermons and other discourses
Calvinism, Christianity, Evangelism, Faith, Religion and Spirituality Bible, Jim Elliot, Missions, Youth A few common issues when recovering from involvement with Cults Leave a comment Posted by The Cidrìe on January 15, 2024 Most people recovering from involvement with cults (as ex-cult membe...
1. The highest good for man is for the superior white race to have political power and for their values to be enshrined in law. 2. There are people who would try to make whites share power with people of other races. 3. Therefore, there are people who would try to undermine what is...
Kenya: U.S. Blacks Preach Abstinence Gospel Sue Sprenkle Captain America’s Human-Sized Heroism Paul Marchbanks In the franchise’s latest installment, our hero doubts himself—and marches on. When a Church Breaks Yi Ning Chiu My congregation fought and disbanded. Was it all a waste?
Common Law and Equity Common markets Commonsense Communist China Communists Comparative Government Confederation Confucius Congress of Vienna Congress Party Congress Party Congress Party History Conservative Party Britain Constitutional law Constitutional monarchy Constitutional Politics Conversa...
The General Synod voted to transfer national staff overseeing abuse response to an external body but not parish and diocese officials Review The Meaning of Womanhood, in Whole and in Parts Kate Lucky How a “history of the female body” speaks to similarities and differences between the sexes....