WATCH LIVESunday Services 9am & 10:30am Wednesday 7pm CONTACT US We look forward to hearing from you! Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Message
Goal and Mission of Vantage Point Ministries to do our very best at presenting you with just a few small snippets of God’s Perspective on his great Glory. God’s Vantage Point on his own Glory is first, best and ultimately communicated to us in and through his Word as expressed in his...
"I can't tell you how excited I am to be one of your clients. Our new website looks great, the support staff is excellent and the potential for the future is unlimited. And it has only been a few weeks. ... In one word - Awesome!" ...
There are several ways in which you can join us for coffee and conversation. Check out our website on a regular basis for teachings on the word of God, send… Do you have a group you would like to share God’s word with?INVITE US TO COME SPEAK...
We believe in every word of the Gospel and believe that it is our privilege and duty to go out into the world and share the Gospel with all that need to hear it. Explore the Gospel 20 Day Study: "Conquering Fear and Anxiety through the promises and power of Christ Jesus" Fear and an...
Welcome! Welcome to Living Word Christian Center International Ministries! We are a community of covenant believers who worship the Lord Jesus Christ as King! We live to see the Kingdom become visible in every dimension of life. Is this your first time visiting us? We would love to connect ...
What You Think textbooks by GTI Ministries offerExcellent, affordable options that don’t require parents to prepare or present the material Cathy Duffy—Respected author of multiple home education resources and books. Her website, Cathy Duffy Reviews, draws thousands of visitors each day. ...
Connect with Open Word Christian Ministries on your favorite devices. View live streams or archived videos, submit prayer requests, receive push notifications a…
Tract Ministries Which Print in Many Languages Tract Ministry Becomes More Than a 'Rack in the Lobby' Tract Racks and Tract Holders Tract Wallet Holder- Where to Buy The Use of Tracts by RA Torrey W Website to Help You to Find Tracts in Hundreds of Languages ...
Online fast Christian Senior Ordination, and Ordination for all sincere people, Personal Service, WCM World Christianship Ministries, Retired, Get Ordained