There were some action songs to introduce the activity after the prayer. The first speaker was Ptr Bernard, a former criminal who suffered four years in prison. He shared about the Gospel and led the students in a prayer of acceptance. Most of the students were attentive and receptive. After...
religious studies at the University of Calgary and holds a PhD in Talmud from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, provides the latest scholarly thinking on the origin and meaning of a traditional prayer in which a Jewish male praises God for not creating him a gentile, a slave, or a woman....
I don’t want to be a woman who misses the goodness around me. Not coincidentally, the hardest times for me to find the blessings are when I have walked through pain, walked through trials, been in the pit of parenting, in the pit of marriage, or in the busyness of life. Do I ...
在1941年9月,在德国和日本纳粹对全世界包括中国的全面战争中,当时还奉行和平孤立保持中立的美国罗斯福总统和英国丘吉尔首相在还没有战争的大西洋的军舰上会面。在视频后半部的星期天礼拜中演唱 Onward Christian Soldiers 基督精兵前进 这首歌曲,需要看的可用YOUTUBE自动翻成中文字幕。当时的...
reminding you of your purpose here on earth, no matter what the cost. A mentor with a fresh pair of eyes and insights that make you a better leader. A person who is willing to take a risk on you, opening up new frontiers of opportunity and wider influence. And my prayer, too, is ...
Don't just have a token prayer in the entryway.Plan on winding your way through all the rooms in the house as a way of presenting the whole dwelling to the Lord. Have each family member choose a room for which they'd like to pray. Ask them to think about what will go on in each...
And if there is sadness, heaviness, worry on this day, the Thinking Christian Woman can take it to God in prayer (James 5:13), and throw it over onto Him, because He cares for her (1 Peter 5:7). And as for wishes, I believe God when He says in Psalm 37 verse 4, “Delight ...
Deliverance will come. The chains and the chides Will all turn out for good By prayer and Christ beside. I will hope, my courage full That God will provide; My hope will not prove vain And for shame I will not hide. There is one aim alone- That God be ...
Five-year-old Brooke was sitting in the backseat of the minivan while her mom and I ran errands. “Mommy,” she asked, “Is it worse to pick a scab or pick a mosquito bite?”“You shouldn’t pick either one,” her mom replied. I glanced back at Brooke as she tried to wipe awa...
A morning poem-prayer for the world: There is no spot where Love is not. There is no spot where Truth is not. There is no spot where Life is not. Love fills all space – we can never be separated from Love – there’s no place where we don’t feel ...