What does it mean to be a Christian?Dr. Christopher HandyPh.D
What Does it Mean to be a Christian? Exploring the Religious Identity of Intrinsically and Extrinsically Religious Black Seventh-Day Adventist University StudentsAfrican American StudentsReligious Cultural GroupsCollege StudentsIdentification (Psychology
I have a hard time trusting God. I don’t mean that in the larger sense. I believe that God exists. I believe that God is good. I believe that God forgives me through Christ. That trust didn’t come easily. It was forged over time, through struggle, doubt and tears. How that trus...
It's really dead. It's like a long enough that, okay, now it's time to really say goodbye. This is permanent. What does it mean? Two things that came to mind that really stood out for me this week in this passage. The first is this: there's more to this life than sorrow and...
Christian Fellowship - What Does it Mean for Me? Christian fellowship begins through a process of adoption. Are you a Christian today? If you are, you have been adopted by God. You may have heard it said that we are all God's children, but the truth is, we don't become God's chil...
I Have Had Dreams or Visions Of Jesus? What Does It Mean? byJack Wellman Many people claim to have dreams or visions and want to know, are they from God and if so, what do they mean? What Do Dreams and Visions Mean? From my own experience, I have heard many who have had dreams...
So what does it mean to have a truly Christian perspective? Here’s how I have begun to digest it. Typically I hate lists for several reasons. Among them is that people almost always take them to be all-inclusive… even if the list-er says they’re not. The only reason I have chose...
What does it mean to max out on God's love? 1. You dare to call God your Father. 2. You have a personal relationship with God based on love. You fall in love with God. 3. You send your love back to God through loving other people. You fall in love with other people. ...
What Does INRI Mean and Why Was It Placed on Jesus’ Cross at the Crucifixion “INRI” is an acronym for the Latin phrase “Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum,” which translates to […] Read More » August 27, 2023 Christianity, Commentary, Featured Spirits of God Understanding the Seve...
What Does It Mean to Carry One Another's Burdens? Six Tips for Improved Relationships Editor's Picks 12 Prophecies That Will Be Fulfilled before Christ's Return Six Tips for Improved Relationships What Does It Mean to Carry One Another's Burdens? 10 Prayers for Healing Sick Family and ...